Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 301.45/40:469 Exact electromagnetic matrix elements and exact selection rules for hydrogenic atoms / 1
D 301.45/40:470 Simple linear-cavity TEM₀₀-mode mode-locked ruby laser / 1
D 301.45/40:471 Transmission of electromagnetic waves through a time-varying dielectric layer / 1
D 301.45/40:472 Solar cell radiation response near the interface of different atomic number materials / 1
D 301.45/40:473 A low profile antenna for airborne station keeping radar applications / 1
D 301.45/40:474 Scattering of HF radio waves by elliptical electron density distributions / 1
D 301.45/40:476 The ultra-violet convergence of the electromagnetic correction to the ground state energy of hydrogen / 1
D 301.45/40:477 The temperature coefficients of acoustic surface wave velocity and delay on lithium niobate, lithium tantalate, quartz, and tellurium dioxide / 1
D 301.45/40:478 Null steering and maximum gain in electronically scanned dipole arrays / 1
D 301.45/40:480 Computer-aided evaluation of reconnaissance image compression schemes using an on-line interactive facility / 1
D 301.45/40:481 Rapid design procedures for the Brune and Bott-Duffin circuits / 1
D 301.45/40:482 Analysis of propagation in space-time modulated media using many-space scale perturbation theory / 1
D 301.45/40:483 Thermal lensing in infrared laser window materials / 1
D 301.45/40:484 Some classes of optimal self-dual codes / 1
D 301.45/40:485 X-Ray topographic observations of slip distributions in alpha silicon carbide / 1
D 301.45/40:486 High speed parallel adders and multipliers / 1
D 301.45/40:487 A balloon exposure of 30 M² of corpuscular photographic materials in search of super-heavy cosmic radiation / 1
D 301.45/40:488 Laser damage study with subnanosecond pulses : Technical Report No. 1. Period 8 April 1969 to 31 December 1971 / 1
D 301.45/40:489 Theory of propagation of electromagnetic waves in space-time varying media / 1
D 301.45/40:490 The expansion of electromagnetic fields and potentials in the wave functions of the photon : the exact electromagnetic matrix elements and selection rules for hydrogenic atoms / 1