Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 301.45/42:209 Contributed papers to the study of travelling interplanetary phenomena/1977 : (Proceedings of COSPAR Symposium B, Tel Aviv, Israel, June 1977) / 1
D 301.45/42:212 Compilation of papers presented by the Space Physics Division at the Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES 1978) 1
D 301.45/42:213 Sounding rocket flight data summary 1966-1976 / 1
D 301.45/42:217 Proceedings, Tenth AFGL Scientific Balloon Symposium, 21 August to 23 August 1978 / 1
D 301.45/42:218 A selected bibliography on natural disasters / 1
D 301.45/42:223 Proceedings of the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory Workshop on Geomagnetism, April 6-7, 1979 / 1
D 301.45/42:224 Archive data tapes of the AFGL magnetometer network / 1
D 301.45/42:233 Proceedings of the STIP Symposium on Solar Radio Astronomy, Interplanetary Scintillations and Coordination with Spacecraft / 1
D 301.45/42:234 Orbiting geophysics laboratory experiment / 1
D 301.45/42:239 Directory of solar-terrestrial physics monitoring stations - : Edition 2 / 1
D 301.45/42:243 Daily magnetograms for 1978 from the AFGL network / 1
D 301.45/42:244 Daily magnetograms for 1979 from the AFGL network / 1
D 301.45/42:245 Daily magnetograms for 1980 from the AFGL network / 1
D 301.45/42:246 Daily magnetograms for 1981 from the AFGL network / 1
D 301.45/42:247 Daily magnetograms for 1982 from the AFGL network / 1
D 301.45/42:248 Daily Magnetograms for 1983 from the AFGL network / 1
D 301.45/42:262 Correlations between levels for stellar-scintillometer-derived profiles of C2n / 1
D 301.45/42:264 Sounding rocket flight data summary, 1977-October 1990 / 1
D 301.45/42:265 Power spectra of internal gravity waves / 1
D 301.45/43: Geophysics and space data bulletin. 1