D 301.45/9:253
Extremes of hydrometeors at altitude for MIL-STD-210B : Supplement, drop-size distributions / |
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High latitude models, observations and analysis of ionospheric scintillations / |
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Thule riometer observations of Polar cap absorption events (1962-1972) / |
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Time series analysis of southwest monsoon data from Southeast Asia / |
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Total electron content studies of the ionosphere / |
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Analog model 1972 of the Arctic ionosphere / |
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Synthetic verification matrices - 1 / |
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Fog modification : - a technology assessment / |
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Joint probabilities of cloud-free lines-of-sight through the atmosphere at Grand Forks, Fargo and Minot, North Dakota / |
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An annotated listing-tall towers instrumented for wind observations / |
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A Mechanical analogue for the study of hydromagnetic propagation in the magnetosphere / |
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Extremes of 1, 12, and 24 hour rain for MIL-STD-210B / |
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An Empirical model of the polar ionosphere / |
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Predicting the day-to-day variability of the mid-latitude ionosphere for application to HF propagation predictions / |
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A Polar equal-area map of the world / |
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Thermal warm fog dissipation : - Heat requirements and projected utilization of a system for Travis AFB, California / |
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Hermite interpolation algorithm for constructing reasonable analytic curves through discrete data points / |
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Extreme wind speeds, gustiness, and variations with height for MIL-STD 210B / |
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Environmental impact of B-1 emissions in the stratosphere / |
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A FORTRAN program for computing steady-state composition models of the upper atmosphere / |
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