Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 301.69/2:99/PT.1 Convective heat transfer with chemical reaction. 1
D 301.69/2:171 Thermodynamic charts for argon plasma up to 10⁵ K with illustrative examples / 1
D 301.69/2:174 Dual probe for high-temperature-gas measurements / 1
D 301.69/3: OAR research directory.
OAR cumulative index of research results.
Air Force research resumés /
D 301.69/3:4 Project Cat Eye : a history of light amplification research at the Aeronautical Research Laboratory, 1952-1960. 1
D 301.69/3:7 A decade of chemical research : history of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research chemistry program / 1
D 301.69/3:14 The Air Force and nuclear physics : a history of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research nuclear physics program / 1
D 301.69/3:64-6 United States Air Force research accomplishments. 1
D 301.69/3:64-8 Author's guide for technical reporting, July 1964 / 1
D 301.69/3:65-10 Availability of scientific journals in defense oriented libraries / 1
D 301.69/3:66-7 Science and the Air Force : a history of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research / 1
D 301.69/3:68-0007 OAR progress, 1968 / 1
D 301.69/3:69-0011 Proceedings. 1
D 301.69/5:Ae 8 United States Air Force Office of Aerospace Research. 1
D 301.69/5:D 62 OAR directory of key staff offices and laboratories [as of Nov. 30, 1966] 1
D 301.69/5:F 76 Long-range forecasting and planning : a symposium held at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, 16-17 August 1966. 1
D 301.69/5:F 76/966 Long-range forecasting and planning : a symposium held at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, 16-17 August 1966. 1
D 301.69/5:F 76/967 Long range forecasting methodology : a symposium held at Alamogordo, New Mexico, 11-12 October 1967. 1
D 301.69/5:F 76/969 Approaches to long range forecasting : a symposium held at Alamogordo, New Mexico, 29-30 April 1969. 1
D 301.69/5:G 37 Derivation and solution of the equations of compatibility of a gas / 1