Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 5.2:ST 8 Strategic information technology plan / 1
D 5.2:ST 8/2 A strategic plan for the Joint Staff. 1
D 5.2:T 18 Universal joint task list. 1
D 5.2:T 22 The Joint Contact Team Program : contacts with former Soviet republics and Warsaw Pact nations, 1992-1994 / 1
D 5.2:T 27 Service member's personal protection guide : a self-help handbook to combating terrorism. 1
D 5.2:T 27/2 National military strategic plan for the war on terrorism 1
D 5.2:T 68 Joint training manual for the Armed Forces of the United States. 1
D 5.2:V 63 Selected works of General John W. Vessey, Jr., USA, Tenth Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, 22 June 1982--30 September 1985. 1
D 5.2:V 82 Joint vision 2020. 1
D 5.2:W 19/2 Other than war : the American military experience and operations in the post-Cold War decade / 1
D 5.2:W 19/3/ Decade of war. 1
D 5.2:W 23/995 Information warfare : legal, regulatory, policy and organizational considerations for assurance / 1
D 5.20: Joint force quarterly : JFQ. 2
D 5.202/2:Ov 4/ Early cold war overflights, 1950-1956 : symposium proceedings / 1
D 5.202:97001164 Global threats to the United States and its interests abroad statement for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 22 February 1996 / 1
D 5.202:97001172 DIA, moving toward the 21st century 1
D 5.202:97001178 Handbook on the Dayton Peace Agreement 1
D 5.202:97001672 Vector 21 : a strategic plan for the Defense Intelligence Agency. 1
D 5.202:97030235 A chronology of Defense Intelligence in the Gulf War : a research aid for analysts / 1
D 5.202:As 4 Southeast Asia : problems and prospects : a conference sponsored by the Defense Intelligence College in association with the World Power and Pacific Program, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University, December 4-5, 1984. 1