Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 5.21:3-29/2009 Foreign humanitarian assistance 1
D 5.21:3-30 Command and control for joint air operations. 1
D 5.21:3-30/2010 Command and control for joint air operations 1
D 5.21:3-31 Command and control for joint land operations. 1
D 5.21:3-31/2010 Command and control for joint land operations 1
D 5.21:3-32 Command and control for joint maritime operations 1
D 5.21:3-33 Joint force capabilities. 1
D 5.21:3-33/2012 Joint task force headquarters 1
D 5.21:3-34 Engineer doctrine for joint operations.
Joint engineer operations
D 5.21:3-35 Joint deployment and redeployment operations.
Deployment and redeployment operations
D 5.21:3-40/2009 Combating weapons of mass destruction 1
D 5.21:3-41 Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosives consequence management 1
D 5.21:3-41/2012 Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear consequence management 1
D 5.21:3-50.2/996 Doctrine for joint combat search and rescue. 1
D 5.21:3-50.21 Joint tactics, techniques, and procedures for combat search and rescue. 1
D 5.21:3-50.3 Joint doctrine for evasion and recovery. 1
D 5.21:3-51 Joint doctrine for electronic warfare. 1
D 5.21:3-52 Joint airspace control 1
D 5.21:3-53/2003 Doctrine for joint psychological operations. 1
D 5.21:3-54/997 Joint doctrine for operations security. 1