Call Number (LC) Title Results
D 5.402:C 44/6 The People's Liberation Army and contingency planning in China / 2
D 5.402:C 45 Choppers grounded : the supply-demand problem / 1
D 5.402:C 49 Civilian surge : key to complex operations / 1
D 5.402:C 49/2 The Civil War and revolutions in naval affairs: lessons for today, 2022.
The Civil War and revolutions in naval affairs : lessons for today /
D 5.402:C 61 Climate change to the year 2000 : a survey of expert opinion / 1
D 5.402:C 61/2/v.- Crop yields and climate change to the year 2000 / 1
D 5.402:C 63/2  
D 5.402:C 66 Cohesion, the human element in combat : leadership and societal influence in the armies of the Soviet Union, the United States, North Vietnam, and Israel / 1
D 5.402:C 73/2/pt.1- Computer-assisted methods for executive decision-making. 1
D 5.402:C 73/3 A chip in the curtain : computer technology in the Soviet Union / 1
D 5.402:C 73/4 Company command : the bottom line / 1
D 5.402:C 73/5 C3 I : issues of command and control / 1
D 5.402:C 73/6 Command and control for war and peace / 1
D 5.402:C 73/7 Complexity, global politics, and national security 1
D 5.402:C 73/8 Command, control, and the common defense / 1
D 5.402:C 73/9 The DOD C-17 versus the Boeing 777 : a comparison of acquisition and development / 1
D 5.402:C 73/10 Commanding heights : strategic lessons from complex operations /
Commanding heights strategic lessons from complex operations /
D 5.402:C 73/12/ Selected computer articles / 1
D 5.402:C 73/946-81 Command history, the Armed Forces Staff College, 1946-1981. 1
D 5.402:C 76/2/ Containment : concept and policy : based on a symposium cosponsored by the National Defense University and the Foreign Service Institute / 1