Call Number (LC) Title Results
D101.60/5: 94-16 Innovative training concepts for use in distributed interactive simulation environments / 1
D 101.60/5:95-05 Combat vehicle command and control system architecture overview / 1
D101.60/5: 95-07 Reserve component virtual training program : orientation guide / 1
D101.60/5: 96-01 An unaided night vision instructional program for ground forces / 1
D101.60/5: 96-02 Annotated bibliography of training technologies and methods for teaching the use of advanced technology / 1
D 101.60/5: 96-04 The Army Command and Control Evaluation System (ACCES) / 1
D101.60/5: 96-08 The development of structured simulation-based training for digital forces : initial battalion staff-level efforts / 1
D101.60/5: 96-09 Brigade commander's battle staff handbook / 1
D101.60/5: 96-10 Individual Combatant Simulation System (ICSS) assessment plan / 1
D101.60/5: 96-11 Battalion Battle Staff Training System (BN-BSTS) program design / critical tasks / 1
D101.60/5: 96-12 Battle Staff Training System (BSTS) glossary / 1
D101.60/5: 96-13 Brigade Battle Staff Training System (BDE-BSTS) program design/critical tasks / 1
D 101.60/5: 97-02 Virtual training program orientation guide / 1
D 101.60/5: 97-04 Task analysis of a mobility and survivability critical combat function as accomplished by a brigade / 1
D 101.60/5:97/05 Orientation guide for the Simulation-Based Multiechelon Training Program for Armor Units-Digital / 1
D 101.60/5:97-06 Special Forces assessment and selection (SFAS) course : similarities and differences of candidates based on phase performance / 1
D 101.60/5:97-07 Methods for training cognitive skills in battlefield situation assessment / 2
D 101.60/5:97-08 Analysis of the function to coordinate, synchronize, and integrate fire support as accomplished by a division / 1
D 101.60/5:97-09 Analysis of the function to coordinate, synchronize, and integrate fire support as accomplished by a corps / 1
D 101.60/5:97-10 Analysis of the function to coordinate, synchronize, and integrate fire support as accomplished by an Army corps acting as a joint task force / 1