Call Number (LC) Title Results
D113 .F76 The chronicles of England, France, Spain, etc. / 1
D113 .F77 The chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries : from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV / 1
D113 .F77 1901 The chronicles of England, France, Spain and the adjoining countries : from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV / 1
D113 .F77 1959 The chronicles of England, France, Spain, and other places adjoining / 1
D113 .F77 1959x The chronicles of England, France, Spain, and other places adjoining / 1
D113 .F77 1961 The chronicles of England, France and Spain / 1
D113 .F77 1963 Chronicles. : In Lord Berners' translation / 1
D113 .F77 2007 Chroniques. 1
D113 .F874 1906 Chronicles of England, France, Spain, etc. / 1
D113 .F88 1843 Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II. to the coronation of Henry IV. / 1
D113 .F886 Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries, from the latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henri IV. / 1
D113.F9 A55 1990 Jean Froissart and the fabric of history : truth, myth, and fiction in the Chroniques / 1
D113.F9 M43 2003 Hommes, terres et histoire des confins : les marges méridionales et orientales de la Chrétienté dans les Chroniques de Froissart / 1
D113 .G37 1998 Il Medioevo nelle sue fonti / 1
D113 .H35 Les chroniqueurs du moyen age. : Illustrations de P. Dimpre. 1
D113 .H36 2016 Handbuch Chroniken des Mittelalters / 1
D113 .H49 1892 Select historical documents of the middle ages / 1
D113 .H49 1912 Select historical documents of the middle ages / 1
D113 .J56 1987 pars 1 Roderici Ximenii de Rada Historia de rebus Hispanie, sive, Historia Gothica / 1
D113 .J56 1987 pars 1 DP96 Roderici Ximenii de Rada Historia de rebus Hispanie, sive, Historia Gothica / 1