D117.A2 L52 1915
Die Werke Liudprands von Cremona / |
1 |
D117.A2 M668 2016
Tra Montaccianico e Firenze Atti Del Convegno Di Studi, Firenze-Scarperia 28-29 Settembre 2012. |
1 |
D117.A2 P57 2010eb
A history of Europe : from the invasions to the XVI century / |
1 |
D117.A2 P94 2014
The edge of the world : how the North Sea made us who we are / |
1 |
D117.A2 P94 2015
The edge of the world : a cultural history of the North Sea and the transformation of Europe / |
1 |
D117.A2 S65 2010
Spielregeln der Mächtigen : mittelalterliche Politik zwischen Gewohnheit und Konvention / |
1 |
D117.A2 S78 2013eb
Studies in medieval history / |
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D117.A2 T738 2022
Why Study the Middle Ages? / |
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D117 .A72 2008
What is medieval history? / |
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D117 .A735 2015
The art, literature and material culture of the medieval world : transition, transformation and taxonomy / |
1 |
D117 .A83
Aspekte der Nationenbildung im Mittelalter : Ergebnisse d. Marburger Rundgespräche 1972-1975 / |
1 |
D117 .A89 2017
Aux sources du pouvoir : voir, approcher, comprendre le pouvoir politique au Moyen Âge / |
1 |
D117 .A93 2010
Aufbruch im Mittelalter : Innovationen in Gesellschaften der Vormoderne : Studien zu Ehren von Rainer C. Schwinges / |
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D117 .B34 2010
The history of the medieval world : from the conversion of Constantine to the First Crusade / |
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D117 .B373 1999
Medioevo : storia di voci, racconto di immagini / |
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D117 .B67 1969
A history of Europe from 911 to 1198 / |
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D117 .B68 1973
The origins of modern Europe : the medieval heritage of Western civilization / |
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D117 .B795 2009
Umgang mit Geschichte : Gesammelte Aufsätze zu Wissenschaftstheorie, Kultur- und Umweltgeschichte / |
1 |
D117 .B97
Mediæval popes, emperors, kings, and crusaders, or, Germany, Italy and Palestine, from A.D. 1125 to A.D. 1268 / |
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D117 .C2213
Guide to the sources of medieval history / |
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