Call Number (LC) Title Results
D133 .F313 1964 The Holy Roman Republic : a historic profile of the Middle Ages / 1
D133 .F32 1965 La Santa Romana repubblica : profilo storico del Medio Evo / 1
D133 .F6 La Santa romana repubblica : profilo storico del medio evo. 1
D133 .P3 1968 Europe and the church under Innocent III / 1
D133 .S62 The ecumenical patriarchate : a many century old institution / 1
D134 City, citizen, citizenship, 400-1500 : a comparative approach /
Pre-modern towns at the times of catastrophe : East Central Europe in a comparative perspective /
D134 .A55 1971 Urbanisierte Ortschaften und lateinische Terminologie. : Studien zur Geschichte des nordeuropäischen Städtewesens vor 1350. 1
D134 .B4 New towns of the Middle Ages : town plantation in England, Wales, and Gascony / 1
D134 .C4 La città nell' alto Medioevo. 1
D134 .C53 2019 Medieval cityscapes today / 2
D134 .E55x Frühgeschichte der europäischen Stadt. 1
D134 .F7913 2005 A day in a medieval city / 2
D134 .L6 1984 Intervista sulla citta' medievale / 1
D134 .S2 Le città medievali. 1
D134 .T69 2015 Town and country in medieval north western Europe : dynamic interactions / 1
D134 .V47 2011 Breve historia de las ciudades del mundo medieval 1
D135 Barbarian Tides : the Migration Age and the Later Roman Empire. 2
D135 .A68 Archäologische Beiträge zur Chronologie der Völkerwanderungszeit / 1
D135.A93 R67 2008 Running from home : a memoir / 1
D135.B43 C67 1987 Demain le soleil / 1