Call Number (LC) Title Results
D16 .J74 2006 History in practice / 1
D16 .J74 2019 History in practice / 1
D16 .J744 2012 The look of the past : visual and material evidence in historical practice / 1
D16 .K26 2003 Fortunes of history : historical inquiry from Herder to Huizinga / 1
D16 .K26 2003eb Fortunes of history : historical inquiry from Herder to Huizinga /
Fortunes of History : Historical Inquiry from Herder to Huizinga. /
D16 .K4 Die Geschichtswissenschaft / 1
D16 .K578 The critical historian / 1
D16 .K578 1967b The critical historian / 1
D16 .K578 2016eb The critical historian / 1
D16 .K58 Guide for research students working on historical subjects. 1
D16 .K58 1968 Guide for research students working on historical subjects / 1
D16 .K62 Historyka : wst̨ep do studiów historycznych. 1
D16 .K78 1997 History, rewriting history, rethinking historicism / 1
D16 .K87 1969 History, the last things before the last. 1
D16 .K89413 2021 An introduction to historical comparison / 1
D16 .L245 Moderne Geschichtswissenschaft / 1
D16 .L25 What is history? : Five lectures on the modern science of history / 1
D16 .L27 1898 Introduction aux études historiques / 1
D16 .L29 1912 Introduction to the study of history / 1
D16 .L29 1966 Introduction to the study of history / 1