Call Number (LC) Title Results
D210 .G48 2007 Colonialism & modernity / 1
D210 .G58 1991 Revolution and rebellion in the early modern world / 1
D210 .G58 1991eb Revolution and rebellion in the early modern world / 1
D210 .G587 2016eb Revolution and rebellion in the early modern world : population change and state breakdown in England, France, Turkey, and China, 1600-1850 / 1
D210 .G66 2009 The rise of the rich : a new view of modern world history / 1
D210 .G66 2009eb The rise of the rich : a new view of modern world history /
The rise of the rich a new view of modern world history /
D210 .G74 2008 Grenzüberschreitende Familienbeziehungen : Akteure und Medien des Kulturtransfers in der Frühen Neuzeit / 1
D210 .H45 1819i Handbuch der Geschichte des europäischen Staatensystems und seiner Colonien von seiner Bildung seit der Entdeckung beyder Indien bis zu seiner Wiederherstellung, auch dem Fall des französischen Kayserthrons / 1
D210 .H4913 1873i A manual of the history of the political system of Europe and its colonies from its formation at the close of the fifteenth century, to its re-establishment upon the fall of Napoleon / 1
D210 .H53 Ideas in history : essays presented to Louis Gottschalk by his former students / 1
D210 .H66 1990 Forces of change : an unorthodox view of history / 2
D210 .H88 1991 Di bei tian nan xu gu jin / 1
D210 .H96 2010 The human tradition in the Atlantic world, 1500-1850 / 1
D210 .I45 2007 Imperial formations / 1
D210 .I525 2010 A short history of celebrity / 1
D210 .I525 2010eb A short history of celebrity /
A short history of celebrity
D210 .I56 2010 Innovation durch Wissenstransfer in der Frühen Neuzeit : kultur- und geistesgeschichtliche Studien zu Austauschprozessen in Mitteleuropa / 1
D210 .I57 1982 Religion and rural revolt : papers presented to the Fourth Interdisciplinary Workshop on Peasant Studies, University of British Columbia, 1982 / 3
D210 .K46 1987 The rise and fall of the great powers : economic change and military conflict from 1500 to 2000 / 1
D210 .K59 1986 Politicians and virtuosi : essays in early modern history / 1