Call Number (LC) Title Results
D277.5 .E5 1672 At the Court at Whitehall, the fifteenth of May, 1672. Whereas his Majesty did the seventeenth of March past, upon the reading in Council his declaration of war against the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries ... propose the observance ... for withdrawing the persons and goods of all Dutch subjects which were found here .. 1
D277.5 .E53 His Majesties declaration against the States Generall of the United Provinces of the Low-Countreys
A journal of the late motions and actions of the confederate forces against the French in the United Provinces and the Spanish Netherlands with curious remarks on the situation, strength, and rarities of the most considerable cities, towns and fortifications in those countreys : together with an exact list of the army /
D277.5 .E54 1672 His Majesties gracious declaration, for the encouraging the subjects of the United Provinces of the Low-Countreys, to transport themselves with their estates, and to settle in this His Majesties kingdom of England. / 1
D277.5 .E54 1673 His Majesties most gracious speech together with the Lord Chancellors, to both Houses of Parliament, on Monday, October 27. 1673. By his Majesties special command. 1
D277.5 .E55 At the Court at Whitehall the third day of May, 1672 present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty ..
At the Court at Whitehall the third day of May, 1672 present the Kings Most Excellent Majesty.
D277.5 .G732 His Majesties declaration against the States General of the United Provinces of the Low-Countries 2
D277.5 .N37 1672 A narrative of the progress of his most Christian Majesties armes against the Dutch, with the names of the several places taken. Liewise a letter from his said Majesty to the Queen of France, giving an account of his passing the Rhine at Tolhuys : with a list of the French nobility killed and wounded in that action. 1
D277.5 .R6 The ambassador prepares for war : the Dutch embassy of Arnauld de Pomponne, 1669-1671. 1
D277.5 .R68 1957eb The ambassador prepares for war : the Dutch embassy of Arnauld de Pomponne 1669-1671 / 1
D277.5 .R86 A brief relation of His Majesties, and the French Kings forces under my command, with the Dutch the 11th of August, 1673, near the Texel. 2
D277.5 .S54 1988 Raid on America : the Dutch naval campaign of 1672-1674 / 2
D277.5 .S66 1988 Louis XIV and the origins of the Dutch War / 1
D277.5 .T444 An accompt of both the fleets their number and stations, with a perfect narrative of occurrences that have passed between them hitherto : in a letter from aboard the Edgar. 2
D277.5 .U5 1672 Two letters, one from the States-General to his most Christian majesty, the other from his most Christian majesty to the States-General. Relating to the present conjuncture of affairs. 1
D277.5 .U54 The answer of the States Generall of the United Provinces of the low countreys, to the declaration of warr of the King of Great Brittain 2
D277.5 .U54 1673 The letter sent by the States-General of the United Provinces of the Low Countreys to His Majesty, by their Trumpeter together with His Majesties answer to the said letter / 1
D278.G7 P484 1674 A perfect journal of what daily passed at the siege before the city of Grave beginning the 27 of July 1674 till the surrender to His royal Highness the Prince of Orange, on the 28 of October 1674 : with articles agreed upon by the foresaid Prince of Orange, and the Governor Count de Chamilly : also a list of the canon, ammunition, armes and provision found in the city : likewise the order of the French marching out, with number, armes, and canon, &c. / 1
D278.M3 N377 1673 A narrative of the siege and surrender of Maestricht, to the most Christian King, on the 30th of June 1
D278 .M32 1689 A Full account of a terrible and bloody fight between the Dutch and English forces in Flanders against the French with a particular relation of a great and singular victory over the French. 1
D278.M32 C37 A particular account of this last siege of Mastricht with the sundry remarkable circumstances thereto relating : together with a list of the officers kill'd and wounded in the three English regiments and the Scotch regiment / 2