Call Number (LC) Title Results
D463 .K63 1969 A history of nationalism in the East / 1
D463 .K63 2022 A history of nationalism in the East / 1
D463 .K6453 1969 Nationalism and imperialism in the hither East. 1
D463 .K65 2022 Nationalism and Imperialism in the Hither East / 1
D463 .M3 Turkey and the Eastern question / 1
D463 .N4 1918 The Near East from within / 1
D463 .P3 Peace in the Balkans : the movement towards international organization in the Balkans / 1
D463 .R55 Die Schwarze-Meer- (Pontus-) frage vom Pariser frieden von 1856 bis zum abschluss der Londoner konferenz von 1871 : ein beitrag zu den orientalischen fragen und zur politik der grossmächte im zeitalter Bismarcks, unter benutzung bisher unveröffentlichten amtlichen materials / 1
D463 .R65 The politics of the Balkans / 1
D463 .R65 1948 Balkan politics : international relations in no man's land. 1
D463 .S3 1918 South-eastern Europe : the main problem of the present world struggle / 1
D463 .S7 Balkan federation : a history of the movement toward Balkan unity in modern times / 1
D463 .S7 1964 Balkan federation : a history of the movement toward Balkan unity in modern times / 1
D463 .S7 AS36.S7 vol. 27, no. 1-4 Balkan federation : a history of the movement toward Balkan unity in modern times / 1
D463 .T3 The future of the southern Slavs / 1
D463 .W66 1911i The danger zone of Europe changes and problems in the Near East / 1
D465 Germany, France, Russia and Islam.
Europe and the Turks /
D465 .B5 The great betrayal : a survey of the near East problem / 1
D465 .C4 The question of northern Epirus at the Peace conference / 1
D465 .C65 1979 The hollow detente : Anglo-German relations in the Balkans, 1911-1914 / 1