Call Number (LC) Title Results
D517 .W4 What is Great Britain doing? : An American view. 1
D517 .W43 1916 What Britain is fighting for : a Reply to the German Chancellor / 1
D517 .W5 1914 Why we are at war : Great Britain's case / 1
D517 .W8 Great Britain for democracy ; a speech delivered at Chicago, September 25th, 1918, at the convention of the American Bankers' Ass'n. / 1
D518 .M32 1917 Belgium's effort. 1
D518 .M4 1916 For our soldiers! : Address / 1
D519 .J28 2015 Japan and the Great War / 1
D519 .J28 2015eb Japan and the Great War / 1
D519 .J3 1917 Japan to her allies ; a message of practical sympathy / 1
D520.A8 O5 Official history of Australia in the war of 1914-18. 1
D520.B8 K3 La débâcle nationale bulgare devant la Haute-cour. 1
D520.B8 M5 1918 America and Bulgaria and their moral bonds / 1
D520.C2 A5 1919 Canada's part in the great war. : Issued by the Department of public information. 1
D520.C2 D4 1917 Canada's effort / 1
D520.C5 W66 2016eb Betrayed ally : China in the Great War. 1
D520.I6 INDIAN ARMY IN WORLD WAR I, 1914-1918.
Indians in the First World War : the missing links /
D520.I6 B48 The verdict of India / 1
D520.I6 B5 1914 Why India is heart and soul with Great Britain / 1
D520.I6 G3 1917 A voice from India / 1
D520.I6 H3 1916 Loyal India : an interview with Lord Hardinge of Penshurst / 1