Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
D522.25 .D36 |
The First World War in posters : from the Imperial War Museum, London / The First World War in posters, from the Imperial War Museum, London / |
2 |
D522.25 .F33 2013 | La guerre des affiches : 1914-1918, la Grande Guerre racontée par les images de propagande / | 1 |
D522.25 .F58 2012 | Fit men wanted : original posters from the home front. | 1 |
D522.25 .G47 1916 | German colonial possessions surrendered to the allies since August, 1914. | 1 |
D522.25 .H66 1992 | Persuasive images : posters of war and revolution from the Hoover Institution Archives / | 1 |
D522.25 .L56 2016 | World War I in 40 posters / | 1 |
D522.25 .L56 2016eb | World War I in 40 posters / | 1 |
D522.25 .M36 1996 | Manifesti illustrati della grande guerra / | 1 |
D522.25 .P37 2013 | Images de propagande 1914-1918 ou L'art de vendre la guerre / | 1 |
D522.25 .P53 2009 | Picture this : World War I posters and visual culture / | 1 |
D522.25 .R38 1988 | Wake up, America! : World War I and the American poster / | 1 |
D522.25 .T65 2006 | Sensō no hyōshō : Tōkyō Daigaku Jōhō Gakkan shozō Daiichiji Sekai Taisenki puropaganda posutā korekushon / | 1 |
D522.25 .U55 1988 | Battlelines : World War I posters from the Bowman Gray collection / | 1 |
D522.25 .W5 | WWI propaganda posters : a selection from the Bowman Gray collection of materials related to WWI & WWII, Ackland Art Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, January 12-February 23, 1969. | 1 |
D522.27 | Trench art : materialities and memories of war / | 1 |
D522.3 .W4 | Kartenskizzen zum Weltkrieg und zum Grossdeutschen Freiheitskampf für den Unterricht in Kriegsgeschichte / | 1 |
D522.4 .A4 | Der Weltkreig 1914-18 : im Auftrag des Bezirkslehrervereins Nürnberg-Stadt, dargestellt für den Unterricht in der Geschichte an den Volksschulen / | 1 |
D522.4 G553 2018 | Hoe historici geschiedenis schrijven : De Eerste Wereldoorlog en de historische praktijk. | 1 |
D522.4 .R47 2003 | Researching World War I : a handbook / | 1 |
D522.4 .R47 2003eb | Researching World War I : a handbook / | 1 |