Call Number (LC) Title Results
D544 .M5 The front line / 1
D544 .P49 1996 Anglo-French relations and strategy on the Western Front 1914-18 / 1
D544 .P74 2009 Strategy and command : the Anglo-French coalition on the Western Front, 1914 / 1
D544 .P74 2009eb Strategy and command : the Anglo-French coalition on the Western Front, 1914 / 2
D544 .P743 2021 Strategy and command : The Anglo-French coalition on the Western Front, 1915 / 2
D544 .R43 The first world war, 1914-1918 : personal experiences of Lieut.-Col. C. à Court Repington. 1
D544 .R436 1915 Account of a visit to the front by J.E. Redmond, M.P., chairman, Irish Parliamentary Party, in November, 1915 : with a speech delivered by Mr. Redmond on 23rd November, 1915. 1
D544 .R45 2017 Five days from defeat : how Britain nearly lost the First World War / 1
D544 .S6 1986 Fields of death : battle scenes of the First World War / 1
D544 .T43 1981 To win a war : 1918, the year of victory / 2
D544 .T49 1999 Politicians, the press, & propaganda : Lord Northcliffe & the Great War, 1914-1919 / 1
D544 -- T49 1999eb Politicians, the Press and Propaganda : Lord Northcliffe and the Great War, 1914-1919. 1
D544 .T68 1993 The AEF and coalition warmaking, 1917-1918 / 2
D544 .T7 The United States in the Supreme War Council : American war aims and inter-Allied strategy, 1917-1918. 1
D544 .W37 2017 Aerial propaganda and the wartime occupation of France, 1914-18
Aerial propaganda and the wartime occupation of France, 1914-18 /
D544 .W74 1919 1914 / 1
D545.A5 La bataille du Chemin des Dames: Le désastre français de la Grande Guerre.
La bataille de l'Aisne /
D545.A5 C47 2003 Le Chemin des Dames, 1914-1918 / 1
D545.A56 H37 1998 Amiens to the Armistice : the BEF in the Hundred Days' Campaign, 8 August-11, November 1918 / 1
D545.A6 K4 1916 Der Krieg im Argonnerwald / 1