Call Number (LC) Title Results
D57 .H398 2012 Chronicles of the ancient world / 1
D57 .H66 2000 Representative chapters in ancient history : an introduction to the West's classical experience / 1
D57 .H68 An institution of general history being a compleat body thereof from the beginning of the world till the monarchy of Constantine the Great : wherein are described the several empires and the contemporaries with them ... as also the forms and models of governments ... their respective magistrates, customs, laws and antiquities, all in such unbroken order and method as yet never was extant : with a table now added to the whole work / 2
D57 .H69 Guilielmi Hoëli, LL.D. Elementa historiae ab orbe condito usque ad monarchiam Constantini Magni, imperiorum res gestas complexa novo ordine & methodo : Simul & regnorum rerumpublicarumque illis coaetanearum, una cum politiarum magistratuumque succincta & brevi eharratione. 2
D57 .H69 1680 An institution of general history, or, The history of the world being a complete body thereof, from the beginning of the world till the monarchy of Constantine the Great : wherein are described the several empires, and the contemporaries with them, all distinctly and by themselves, and yet linked together by synchronisms : as also, the forms and models of governments, with the power and nature of their respective magistrates, customs, laws, and antiquities, all in such unbroken order and method as yet never was extant /
An institution of general history, or, The history of the world being a complete body thereof, from the beginning of the world till the monarchy of Constantine the Great : wherein are described the several empires, and the contemporaries with them, all distinctly and by themselves, and yet linked together by synchronisms : as also, the forms and models of governments, with the power and nature of their respective magistrates, customs, laws, and antiquities, all in such unbroken order and method as yet never was extant /
D57 .H84 An institution of general history : From the beginning of the world to the monarchy of Constantine the Great, composed in such method and manner as never yet was extant / 1
D57 .I58 2015eb Late antiquity in contemporary debate / 1
D57 .I88 1991 Early antiquity / 1
D57 .I88 1991eb Early antiquity / 1
D57 (INTERNET) The history of the world
The consent of time disciphering the errors of the Grecians in their Olympiads, the vncertaine computation of the Romanes in their penteterydes and building of Rome, of the Persians in their accompt of Cyrus, and of the vanities of the Gentiles in fables of antiquities, disagreeing with the Hebrewes, and with the sacred histories in consent of time ... /
An abridgement of Sir Walter Raleigh's History of the world in five books ... : wherein the particular chapters and paragraphs are succinctly abrig'd according to his own method in the larger volume : to which is added his Premonition to princes.
D57 .K65 Badania historyczne. : Rozbiór krytyczny zasad historyi o początkach rodu ludzkiego / 1
D57 .M63 Geschichte des Altertums : von Eduard Meyer.
Geschichte des Alterthums /
D57 .M63 1901 Geschichte des Alterthums / 1
D57 .M63 1907 Geschichte des Altertums : von Eduard Meyer. 1
D57 .M64 Histoire de l'antiquité 1
D57 .M65 1966 Forschungen zur Alten Geschichte. 1
D57 .N67 1990 Griechen, Barbaren und "Wilde" : alte Geschichte und Sozialanthropologie / 1
D57 .R15 1617 The history of the world. 1
D57 .R16 The historie of the world. : In five books. / 1
D57 .R183 1652i The historie of the world in five bookes / 1