D58 .H56 1854
An analysis and summary of Herodotus : with a synchronistical table of principal events ; tables of weights, measures, money, and distances ; an outline of the history and geography ; and the dates completed from Gaisford, Baehr, etc. / by J. Talboys Wheeler. |
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D58 .H565 1968
Hérodote et la découverte de la terre / |
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D58.H57 B46 1999
Herodotean inquiries / |
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D58.H6 D6
Stories from Herodotus : a panorama of events and peoples of the ancient world. Selected and translated by Glanville Downey. Illustrated by Enrico Arno. |
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D58.H7 H37 2000
Divinity and history : the religion of Herodotus / |
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D58.H7 P6 1967
The history of Herodotus / |
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D58.H7 S39 2020
Fremde Religion in Herodots "Historien" : religiöse Mehrdimensionalität bei Persern und Ägyptern / |
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D58.H7 T6
Herodotus and the empire of the East : based on Nikel's Herodot und die keilschriftforschung / |
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D58.H7 W37 2008
Herodotus and the philosophy of empire / |
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The historie of Iustine containing a narration of kingdomes, from the beginning of the Assyrian monarchy, vnto the raigne of the Emperour Augustus : vvhereunto is newly added a briefe collection of the liues and manners of all the emperours succeeding, vnto the Emp. Rodulphus now raigning / |
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D58 .J8 1994
Epitome of the Philippic history of Pompeius Trogus / |
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D58 .J83213 2011
Epitome of the Philippic history of Pompeius Trogus. |
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D58 .J85 1578
The abridgement of the historyes of Trogus Pompeius |
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D58 .L45 1967
Untersuchungen zur historischen Glaubwürdigkeit des Polybios / |
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D58 .L563 1602
An historical treatise of the travels of Noah into Europe: containing the first inhabitation and peopling thereof. As also a breefe recapitulation of the kings, gouernors, and rulers commanding in the same, euen vntill the first building of Troy by Dardanus. / |
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D58 .M36 1993
The relationship between Herodotus' History and Primary History / |
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D58 .M86 2001
Telling wonders : ethnographic and political discourse in the work of Herodotus / |
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D58 .P64 1634
The history of Polybius the Megalopolitan the fiue first bookes entire, with all the parcels of the subsequent bookes vnto the eighteenth, according to the Greeke originall : also the manner of the Romane encamping, extracted from the discription of Polybius / |
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D58 .P65 1609i
Polybiou tou Lykorta Megalopolitou Historiōn ta sōzomena Polybii Lycortae f. Megalopolitani Historiarum libri qui supersunt / |
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D58.P65 1609i
Polybiou tou Lykorta Megalopolitou Historiōn ta sōzomena Polybii Lycortae f. Megalopolitani Historiarum libri qui supersunt / |
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