Call Number (LC) Title Results
D621.S8 B4 1915 Belgische Neutralität und schweizerische Neutralität / 1
D621.S8 W64 2016 "Woche für Woche neue Preisaufschläge" : Nahrungsmittel-, Energie- und Ressourcenkonflikte in der Schweiz des Ersten Weltkrieges / 1
D622 Roman Catholic modernists confront the Great War 1
D622 .D34 2003 The Catholic Church in Ireland, 1914-1918 : war and politics / 1
D622 .G33 1995 Grande guerra e ribellione contadina / 1
D622 .J6 Vatican diplomacy in the world war / 1
D622 .K65 Service under fire! 1
D622 .M325 2018 Patriot priests : French Catholic clergy and national identity in World War I / 1
D622 .M3254 2017 The imperial Irish : Canada's Irish Catholics fight the Great War, 1914-18 / 1
D622 .M4 An appeal to truth : a letter addressed by Cardinal Mercier, archbishop of Malines, and the bishops of Belgium, to the cardinals, archbishops and bishops of Germany, Bavaria, and Austria-Hungary. 1
D622 .M43 Charity towards our enemies : from a pastoral letter / 1
D622 .M5 1917 The voice of Belgium ; being the war utterances of Cardinal Mercier / 1
D622 .S8 Der Friedensappell Papst Benedikts XV. vom 1. August 1917 und die Mittelmächte : diplomatische Aktenstücke des Deutschen Auswärtigen Amtes, des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums des Äussern, des Österreichisch-Ungarischen Ministeriums des Äussern und des Britischen Auswärtigen Amtes aus den Jahren 1915-1922 / 1
D622 .W5 American Catholics in the war : National Catholic war council, 1917-1921 / 1
D623.B4 39-45 Sous-Mariniers : Des commandants anglais et allemand racontent leurs combats. 1
D623.B4 A4 1917eb German legislation for the occupied territories of Belgium : official texts / 1
D623.B4 B44 1919 Protestations des Parlementaires belges sous l'occupation allemande. 1
D623.B4 D4 German posters in Belgium : their value as evidence, new texts and documents / 1
D623.B4 K45 2014 Americans in occupied Belgium, 1914/1918 : accounts of the war from journalists, tourists, troops and medical staff / 1
D623.B4 M3 Scraps of paper : German proclamations in Belgium and France / 1