Call Number (LC) Title Results
D649.G3 A5 1939 A journal of reparations / 1
D649.G3 A7 1970 Die Entstehung des Youngplans dargestellt vom Reichsarchiv 1931-1933 / 1
D649.G3 B38 Germany and the diplomacy of the financial crisis, 1931. 1
D649.G3 B8 Verlorene nachkriegs-schlachten : ein beitrag zu der frage: Warum kommen wir nicht weiter im verhältnis zu Frankreich? / 1
D649.G3 D55 Die Kriegsschuldfrage auf der Friedenskonferenz von Paris 1919 / 1
D649.G3 F4 Walther Rathenau and the Weimar Republic the politics of reparations.
Walther Rathenau and the Weimar Republic : the politics of reparations.
Walther Rathenau and the Weimar Republic; the politics of reparations.
D649.G3 G46 2010 German reparations, 1919-1932 : a historical survey / 1
D649.G3 G46 2010eb German reparations, 1919-1932 a historical survey / 1
D649.G3 M65 1924 The reparation plan : an interpretation of the Reports of the expert committees appointed by the Reparation commission, November 30, 1923 / 1
D649.G3 P5 Economic aspects of reparations and inter-allied debts / 1
D649.G3 R85 1979 The Cuno government and reparations, 1922-1923 : politics and economics / 1
D649.G3 S33 1931a The end of reparations : the economic consequences of the world war / 1
D649.G47 A45 1922i Agreements concerning deliveries in kind to be made by Germany under the heading of reparations 1
D650.D5 S58 2006eb German disarmament after World War I : the diplomacy of international arms inspection, 1920-1931 / 1
D650.E85 C655 2005 Comment (se) sortir de la grande guerre? : regards sur quelques pays "vainqueurs," la Belgique, la France et la Grande-Bretagne / 1
D650.M5 Ơ3 1940 In ketten vom Ruhrgebiet nach St.-Martin de Ré : anklagen eines Ruhrgefangenen. 1
D650.M5 A7 The Rhineland occupation / 1
D650.M5 C63 1919 Coblenz. 1
D650.M5 E48 1977 The Rhineland crisis, 7 March 1936 : a study in multilateral diplomacy / 1
D650.M5 G27 The revolver republic : France's bid for the Rhine / 1