Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
D757.85 .R65 2010 | "Weltanschaulich gefestigte Kämpfer" : die Soldaten der Waffen-SS 1933-1945 : Organisation, Personal, Sozialstrukturen / | 1 |
D757.85 .R87 2010 |
In Final Defense of the Reich : the Destruction of the 6th SS Mountain Division "Nord." In final defense of the Reich : the destruction of the 6th SS Mountain Division "Nord" / |
3 |
D757.85 .S55 2023 | In the maelstrom : the Waffen-SS "Galicia" Division and its legacy / | 1 |
D757.85 .S74 1989 | The SS / | 3 |
D757.85 .S8 | The Waffen SS : Hitler's elite guard at war, 1939-1945. | 1 |
D757.85 .S95 | Soldiers of destruction : the SS Death's Head Division, 1933-1945 / | 1 |
D757.85 .S95 1990 | Soldiers of destruction : the SS Death's Head Division, 1933-1945 / | 1 |
D757.85 .T48 1997 | Beyond monsters and clowns : the combat SS : de-mythologizing five decades of German elite formations / | 1 |
D757.85 .V44 | Vom Kugelbaum zur Handgranate : d. Weg d. 65. Infanterie-Division / | 1 |
D757.85 .W35 2019 | Dachau to the Dolomites : The untold story of the Irishmen, Himmler's special prisoners and the end of World War II / | 1 |
D757.85 .W413 1990 | Das Reich / | 1 |
D757.85 .Y47 2015 | Totenkopf : the structure, development and personalities of the 3.SS-Panzer-Division / | 1 |
D757.9.A2 W48 1976 | Bloody Aachen / | 1 |
D757.9.A2 W48 1976b | Bloody Aachen / | 2 |
D757.9.B4 B44 2002 | The fall of Berlin, 1945 / | 1 |
D757.9.B4 ebook | Los cien últimos días de Berlín / | 1 |
D757.9.B4 F56 2006 | Good-bye to the mermaids : a childhood lost in Hitler's Berlin / | 2 |
D757.9.B4 F56 2006eb | Good-bye to the mermaids : a childhood lost in Hitler's Berlin / | 1 |
D757.9.B4 K8 | Die Russen in Berlin : 1945. | 1 |
D757.9.B4 K813 1968b | The Russians and Berlin, 1945 / | 1 |