Call Number (LC) Title Results
D769.8.A6 C6 1972b Executive order 9066 : the internment of 110,000 Japanese Americans / 1
D769.8.A6 C66 2000 Fighting for honor : Japanese Americans and World War II / 2
D769.8.A6 C78 1993 Crystal City internment camp 50th anniversary reunion, October 8-10, 1993, Monterey, CA. 1
D769.8.A6 D35 Concentration camps USA Japanese Americans and World War II.
Concentration camps USA: Japanese Americans and World War II.
D769.8.A6 D35 1981 Concentration camps, North America : Japanese in the United States and Canada during World War II / 2
D769.8.A6 D35 1989 Concentration camps, North America : Japanese in the United States and Canada during World War II / 1
D769.8.A6 D36 1986 The decision to relocate the Japanese Americans / 2
D769.8.A6 D37 1993 Prisoners without trial : Japanese Americans in World War II / 2
D769.8.A6 D39 1990 Days of waiting the life and art of Estelle Ishigo / 1
D769.8.A6 D44 2004 The colonel and the pacifist : Karl Bendetsen, Perry Saito, and the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II / 2
D769.8.A6 D63 2021 Documents of Japanese American internment / 1
D769.8.A6 D87 2008 Artifacts of loss : crafting survival in Japanese American concentration camps / 1
D769.8.A6 D87 2008eb Artifacts of loss : crafting survival in Japanese American concentration camps / 1
D769.8.A6 E34 2022 80 years later / 1
D769.8.A6 E56 2006 Japanese-American civilian prisoner exchanges and detention camps, 1941-45 / 1
D769.8.A6 E56 2006eb Japanese-American civilian prisoner exchanges and detention camps, 1941-45 / 1
D769.8.A6 E64 2013 Encyclopedia of Japanese American internment / 1
D769.8.A6 E9v 1993 Executive order 9066 racism in the American west. 1
D769.8.A6 E94 1992 Executive order 9066 : the internment of 110,000 Japanese Americans / 1
D769.8.A6 F48 2009 Camp Harmony : Seattle's Japanese Americans and the Puyallup Assembly Center / 2