Call Number (LC) Title Results
D779.A8 W55 1994 Ship of courage : the epic story of HMAS Perth and her crew / 1
D779.B35 K63 1994 Naval warfare in the Baltic, 1939-1945 : war in a narrow sea / 1
D779.C2 C3 1942 Canada's battle of the Atlantic. 1
D779.C2 M55 1985 North Atlantic run : the Royal Canadian Navy and the battle for the convoys / 1
D779.F7 A82 La Marine française pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale / 1
D779.F7 K63 1989 The Cyrano fleet : France and its Navy, 1940-1942 / 1
D779.F7 K64 1994 Franco-American naval relations, 1940-1945 / 1
D779.F7 V365 La glorieuse histoire du "Siroco." 1
D779.G8 M25 1995 To nautiko ston Deutero Pankosmio Polemo : hē synolikē prosphora tēs Hellēnikēs emporikēs nautilias (histiophorou kai atmoploou) 1940-1945 / 1
D779.G8 M35 1992 The Greek Navy during the war in Metropolitan Greece : its disintegration and subsequent exodus to Egypt in April of 1941 / 1
D779.I4 C6 The Royal Indian Navy, 1939-45 / 1
D779.M43 O34 2009 Struggle for the Middle Sea : the great navies at war in the Mediterranean theater, 1940-1945 / 1
D779.N6 The Shetland 'bus' : transporting secret agents across the North Sea in WW2 / 1
D779.N6 R49 1998 Dog boats at war : a history of the operations of the Royal Navy D Class Fairmile motor torpedo boats and motor gunboats, 1939-1945 / 1
D779.P6 K6 Polska Marynarka Wojenna od pierwszej do ostatnie salwy w drugiej wojnie światowej : album pamįatkowy / 1
D779.R9 G63 With the Red fleet : the war memoirs of the late Admiral Arseni G. Golovko / 1
D779.R9 S7313 1996 Commandos from the sea : Soviet naval spetsnaz in World War II / 1
D779.S65 A2313 Soviet naval operations in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 / 1
D780 .G47 1946 German, Italian and Japanese U-boat casualties during the war : particulars of destruction / 1
D780 .G473 1946 German, Italian and Japanese U-boat casualties during the war : statistical statement / 1