Call Number (LC) Title Results
D792.P6 F5 1943 Squadron 303 : the story of the Polish fighter squadron with the R.A.F. 1
D792.P6 K35 Lotnictwo polskie w Wielkiej Brytanii, 1940-1945. 1
D792.P7 S55 2020 Poles in the Battle of Britain : a photographic album of the Polish 'few' / 1
D792.R9 S6513 The Soviet Air Force in World War II : the official history / 1
D792.R9 S6513 1973 The Soviet Air Force in World War II : the official history / 1
D792.S65 H36 2012 Red phoenix rising : the Soviet Air Force in World War II / 1
D792.S65 K6813 1977 The command and staff of the Soviet Army Air Force in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 : a Soviet view / 1
D792.S65 L69 2002 Attack of the Airacobras : Soviet aces, American P-39's and the air war against Germany / 1
D792.S65 M94 Night witches : the untold story of Soviet women in combat / 1
D792.S65 N64 1994 A dance with death : Soviet airwomen in World War II / 1
D793 STALIN'S ARMOUR, 1941-1945 soviet tanks at war. 1
D793 .F82213 1987 Sieg Heil! : war letters of Tank Gunner Karl Fuchs, 1937-1941 / 1
D793 .J37 2001 Tank tactics : from Normandy to Lorraine / 1
D793 .L68 1996 Commanding the Red Army's Sherman tanks : the World War II memoirs of Hero of the Soviet Union, Dmitriy Loza / 1
D793 .L685 1998 Fighting for the Soviet motherland : recollections from the Eastern Front hero of the Soviet Union / 1
D793.M7 S488 Narodnaia revoliutsiia v Mongolii i obrazovanie Mongolʹskoi Narodnoi Respubliki, 1921-1924 / 1
D793 .P46 1986 Knights of the Black Cross : Hitler's Panzerwaffe and its leaders / 1
D793 .S73 1991 Armour tactics in the Second World War : Panzer army campaigns of 1939-41 in German war diaries / 1
D793 .W76 1833 Two years and a half in the navy or, Journal of a cruise in the Mediterranean and Levant, on board of the U.S. frigate Constellation, in the years 1829, 1830, and 1833 / 1
D793 .Z35 2008 Panther vs. Sherman : Battle of the Bulge 1944 / 1