Call Number (LC) Title Results
D804.G4 B38 Warsaw ghetto : a diary / 1
D804.G4 B382 2007 The diary of Mary Berg : growing up in the Warsaw ghetto / 1
D804.G4 B3913 1978 Devil's doctors : medical experiments on human subjects in the concentration camps / 1
D804.G4 B39313 1978 The death train / 1
D804.G4 B4 1942 This is your enemy : a documentary record of Nazi atrocities against citizens and soldiers of our Soviet ally / 1
D804.G4 B4 1946 The Black book : the Nazi crime against the Jewish people. 1
D804.G4 B5 1977 Wanted! : the search for Nazis in America / 1
D804.G4 B53 1982 German crimes in Poland / 1
D804.G4 B56 1975 The Release of the destruction of life devoid of value : it's measure and it's form / 1
D804.G4 B568 2001eb Genocide on trial : war crimes trials and the formation of Holocaust history an memory / 1
D804.G4 B57 1977 Wanted! : the search for Nazis in America / 1
D804.G4 B64 2018 Die Kriegsverbrecherlobby : bundesdeutsche Hilfe für im Ausland inhaftierte NS-Täter / 1
D804.G4 B68 1984 Klaus Barbie, the "Butcher of Lyons" / 2
D804.G4 B765 1998 Official secrets : what the Nazis planned, what the British and Americans knew / 1
D804.G4 B769 2014 Eyewitness to genocide : the Operation Reinhard death camp trials, 1955-1966 / 1
D804.G4 B769 2014eb Eyewitness to genocide : the Operation Reinhard death camp trials, 1955-1966 / 1
D804.G4 B777 1997 Ethics and extermination : reflections on Nazi genocide / 1
D804.G4 B777 1997eb Ethics and extermination : reflections on Nazi genocide / 1
D804.G4 C47 1958 Cierpienie i walka narodu polskiego, 1939-1945 : zdjęcia - dokumenty / 1
D804.G4 C53 1999 Triangles, badges, and stars : remembering the mosaic of victims of the Holocaust : teacher resource guide / 1