D804.G4 M27 1988
Massacre at Oradour / |
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D804.G4 M27 1989
Massacre at Oradour / |
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D804.G4 M354 2018
Mass violence in Nazi-occupied Europe / |
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D804.G4 M36 1998eb
Conduct Unbecoming : The Story of the Murder of Canadian Prisoners of War in Normandy / |
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D804.G4 M37
Medical science abused ; German medical science as practised in concentration camps and in the so-called protectorate, reported by Czechoslovak doctors. |
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D804.G4 M37 1998
Conduct unbecoming : the story of the murder of Canadian prisoners of war in Normandy / |
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D804.G4 M553
Doctors of infamy ; the story of the Nazi medical crimes / |
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D804.G4 M57513 1984
There shall be retribution : Nazi war criminals and their protectors / |
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D804.G4 M613
We shall not forgive! : The horrors of the German invasion in documents and photographs. |
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D804.G4 M63 1990
A Mosaic of victims : non-Jews persecuted and murdered by the Nazis / |
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D804.G4 M65 1942
Note submitted by V. Molotov, people's commissar of foreign affairs of the U.S.S.R. : concerning the monstrous crimes, atrocities and acts of violence perpetrated by the German fascist invaders in the occupied Soviet areas and the responsibility of the German government and military command for these crimes / |
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D804.G4 M7713 1988
Murderous science : elimination by scientific selection of Jews, Gypsies, and others, Germany 1933-1945 / |
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D804.G4 M77165 1989
Scienza di morte : l'eliminazione degli Ebrei, degli Zigani e dei malati di mente 1933-1945 / |
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D804.G4 M8 1961i
The Eichmann kommandos |
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D804.G4 M9
Germany's war crimes and punishment : the problem of individual and collective criminality / |
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D804.G4 N29 1983
Nationalsozialistische Massentötungen durch Giftgas : eine Dokumentation / |
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D804.G4 N2913 1993
Nazi mass murder : a documentary history of the use of poison gas / |
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D804.G4 N64 1945
Gusen, pamiętnik dziennikarza / |
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D804.G4 O22
Oswiecim, camp of death : (underground report) / |
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D804.G4 O23 1944
The camp of disappearing men : a story of the Oswiecim concentration camp, based on reports from the Polish underground labor movement. |
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