D888.S65 A43 1990
Vanguard parties & revolutionary change in the Third World : Soviet perspectives & their implications / |
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D888.S65 ǂb S68 1987eb
The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and the Third World / |
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D888.S65 B43 1986
The Soviet Union and the third world : the economic dimension / |
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D888.S65 D53 2020
From internationalism to postcolonialism : literature and cinema between the Second and the Third Worlds / |
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D888.S65 D855 1990
Moscow and the Third World under Gorbachev / |
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D888.S65 D86 1987
The Bear, the Cubs and the Eagle : Soviet bloc interventionism in the Third World and the US response / |
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D888.S65 F84 1989
Gorbachev and the new Soviet agenda in the Third World / |
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D888.S65 F85 1986
Moscow's post-Brezhnev reassessment of the Third World / |
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D888.S65 G45 1986
The Soviet Union in the third world : a retrospective overview and prognosis / |
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D888.S65 G64 1988
The Soviet Union and national liberation movements in the Third World / |
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D888.S65 G66 1991
Gorbachev's retreat : the Third World / |
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D888.S65 G67 1990
Gorbachev's new thinking and Third World conflicts / |
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D888.S65 G69 1989
Gorbachev's Third World dilemmas / |
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D888.S65 G69 2023
Gorbachev's Third World dilemmas / |
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D888.S65 H68 1986
The struggle for the Third World : Soviet debates and American options / |
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D888.S65 L55 1989
The Limits of Soviet power in the developing world / |
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D888.S65 P36 1985
Soviet perceptions of the developing world in the 1980s : the ideological basis / |
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D888.S65 P363 1987
Soviet policies toward the developing world during the 1980s : the dilemmas of power and presence / |
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D888.S65 P37 1983
The Pattern of Soviet conduct in the Third World / |
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D888.S65 R83 1988
Moscow's Third World strategy / |
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