Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA118 .F6 The spirit of the people : an analysis of the English mind / 1
DA118 .F62 England and the English : an interpretation / 1
DA118 .F622 2003 England and the English / 1
DA118 .F65 The English : 1904-1922, a gossip / 1
DA118 .F73 2020 Anglo-Saxonism and the idea of Englishness in eighteenth-century Britain / 2
DA118 .G4 1982 The British : a portrait of an indomitable island people / 2
DA118 .G55 2007 The angry island : hunting the English / 1
DA118 .H37  
DA118 .H53 Heads of the people, or, Portraits of the English / 1
DA118 .H53x Heads of the people, or, Portraits of the English / 1
DA118 .H55 2008 The culture of cloth in early modern England : textual construction of a national identity / 1
DA118 .H55 2008eb The culture of cloth in early modern England : textual construction of a national identity / 1
DA118 .H6 Englands Selbsttäuschung. 1
DA118 (INTERNET) The glory of England, or, A true description of many excellent prerogatiues and remarkeable blessings, whereby she triumpheth ouer all the nations of the world vvith a iustifiable comparison betweene the eminent kingdomes of the earth, and herselfe : plainely manifesting the defects of them all in regard of her sufficiencie and fulnesse of happinesse /
The true-born Englishman a satyr.
DA118 .J78 2008 Contemporary British identity : English language, migrants, and public discourse / 1
DA118 .J78 2008eb Contemporary British identity : English language, migrants, and public discourse / 1
DA118 .K35 1932 The spirit of British policy and the myth of the encirclement of Germany / 1
DA118 .K57 2006 Forgone nations : constructions of national identity in Elizabethan historiography and literature: Stanihurst, Spenser, Shakespeare / 1
DA118 .K66 Trust an Englishman. 1
DA118 .K76 2015 The idea of Englishness : English culture, national identity and social thought / 1