Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA209.H47 H47 2019eb Herbert of Bosham : a medieval polymath / 1
DA209.H86 S77 1985 Earl David of Huntingdon, 1152-1219 : a study in Anglo-Scottish history / 2
DA209.J6 P6 The early correspondence of John of Salisbury / 1
DA209.P4 C73 1990 William Marshal : court, career and chivalry in the Angevin Empire, 1147-1219 / 1
DA209.P4 C73 2002 William Marshal : knighthood, war and chivalry, 1147-1219 / 1
DA209.P4 C73 2016 William Marshal / 2
DA209.P4 D8313 1986 William Marshal : the flower of chivalry / 1
DA209.P4 D8318 1985 Guillermo el Mariscal / 1
DA209.P4 P3 William Marshal : knight-errant, baron, and regent of England / 1
DA209.P4 P3 1982 William Marshal Knight-Errant, Baron, and Regent of England / 1
DA209.P4 W55 2017 William Marshal and Ireland / 1
DA209.R36 A77 1983 Ranulf of Chester, a relic of the conquest / 2
DA209.T4 The Becket leaves /
[Verse life of St. Thomas]
DA209 .T4 1520 Here begynneth the lyfe of the blessed martyr Saynte Thomas 1
DA209.T4 A4 2000 The correspondence of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1162-1170 / 1
DA209.T4 B23 1988 The Becket leaves / 1
DA209.T4 B27 1986 Thomas Becket / 1
DA209.T4 B36 1967 Benedicti Abbatis Petriburgensis de vita et miraculis S. Thomae Cantuar. : The life and miracles of Saint Thomas of Canterbury / 1
DA209.T4 B4 La vie de Thomas Becket par Beneit. : Poème anglo-normand du XIIe siècle / 1
DA209.T4 B88 1995 The quest for Becket's bones : the mystery of the relics of St Thomas Becket of Canterbury / 2