Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA28.2 .U12 1591 | Le vite delle donne illustri. del regno d'Inghilterra, & del regno di Scotia, & di quelle, che d'altri paesi ne i due detti regni sono stato maritate. Doue si contengono tutte le cose degne di memoria da esse, ò da altri per i rispetti loro state operate, tanto di fuori, quanto di dentro de i due regni. / | 1 |
DA28.2 .W35 2007 | Sovereign ladies : the six reigning queens of England / | 1 |
DA28.2 .W45 2017 | Queens of the conquest : England's medieval queens, 1066-1167 / | 1 |
DA28.3 .C46 1981 | Royal children, 1840-1980 : from Queen Victoria to Queen Elizabeth II / | 2 |
DA28.3 .J6 | England's Princes of Wales. | 1 |
DA28.3 N47 1909 | Royal children of English history / | 1 |
DA28.3 .P5 1970 |
Princes of Wales / Princes of Wales, |
2 |
DA28.35.A1 F69 1994 | In a gilded cage : from heiress to duchess / | 2 |
DA28.35.A1 R69 2008eb | Royal kinship : Anglo-German family networks, 1815-1918 / | 1 |
DA28.35 .B76 | A discouerie of diuers errors published in print in the much commended Britannia, 1594 very preiudiciall to the discentes and succession of the auncient nobilities of this realme / | 1 |
DA28.35.C45 C48 2012 | The Churchills in Ireland : connections and controversies / | 1 |
DA28.35.C45 R59 1958 | The Churchills: from the death of Marlborough to the present. | 1 |
DA28.35.C45 R596 1966a | The Churchills : the story of a family / | 1 |
DA28.35.C45 R6 1959 | The early Churchills, an English family / | 1 |
DA28.35.C45 R63 1958 | The later Churchills. | 1 |
DA28.35.C45 W35 | The Churchills : portrait of a great family / | 1 |
DA28.35.D47 B29 1985 | The Earls of Derby 1485-1985 / | 1 |
DA28.35E54 C34 1988 | The Elgins, 1766-1917 : a tale of aristocrats, proconsuls and their wives / | 1 |
DA28.35.G6 G6 | The story of a family through eleven centuries, illustrated by portraits and pedigrees : being a history of the family of Gorges / | 1 |
DA28.35.H36 B58 2005 | The continental commitment : Britain, Hanover and interventionism, 1714-1793 / | 1 |