Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA28.9 .B85 The rise of great families : other essays, and stories / 1
DA28.9 .G7 1941 Great lives. 1
DA28.9 .M37 The dukes : the origins, ennoblement and history of 26 families / 1
DA29 .R91 The official diary of Lieutenant-General Adam Williamson : deputy-lieutenant of the Tower of London, 1722-1747 / 1
DA30 England's heroical epistles written in imitation of the stile and manner of Ovid's epistles, with annotations of the chronicle history. /
Britannia 1066-1884 : from medieval absolutism to the birth of freedom under constitutional monarchy, limited suffrage, and the rule of law /
The United Kingdom : the unification and disintegration of Britain since AD 43 /
The Sphere illustrated history of Britain /
A history of England.
Shaping the past : theme, time and place in local history : essays in honour of David Dymond /
DA30 .A7 1882 Pictures and royal portraits illustrative of English and Scottish history : from the introduction of Christianity to the present time : engraved from important works by distinguished modern painters and from authentic state portraits, with descriptive historical sketches / 1
DA30 .B167 A chronicle of the kings of England. : From the time of the Romans government, unto the death of King James. Containing all passages of state and church, with all other observations proper for a chronicle ... Whereunto is added, the reign of King Charles the first, and the first thirteen years of his sacred majesty, King Charles the second ... All which additions are revised in this eighth impression, and freed from many errors and mistakes of the former editions. 1
DA30 .B168 A chronicle of the Kings of England from the time of the Romans government unto the death of King James : containing all passages of state and church with all other observations proper for a chronicle / 2
DA30 .B168 1653 A chronicle of the Kings of England from the time of the Romans government unto the reign of King Charles containing all passages of state and church, with all other observations proper for a chronicle / 2
DA30.B18 B66 (INTERNET) Animadversions upon Sr. Richard Baker's Chronicle, and its continuation wherein many errors are discover'd, and some truths advanced / 1
DA30 .B35 1679 A chronicle of the kings of England, from the time of the Romans government, unto the death of King James. : Containing all passages of state and church, with all other observations proper for a chronicle. Faithfully collected out of authors ancient and modern; and digested into a method, / 1
DA30 .B6 1996 A history of the British Isles / 1
DA30 .B6 2003 A history of the British Isles / 1
DA30 .B6 2012 A history of the British Isles / 1
DA30 .B6 2017 A history of the British Isles / 1
DA30 .B623 2015 A short history of Britain / 1
DA30 .B625 2000 A new history of England / 2
DA30 .B65 1999 Ancient England / 1
DA30 .B7 Britannia reflorescens, in a prospect of the ancient and flourishing state of Great Britain : wherein, after a description of the island, with its air, soil, and commodities, is contained, I. A full account of the inhabitants .. 1
DA30 .B73 1543 A Cronycle of yeres from the begynnynge of the worlde wherin ye shal fynde the names of all the kynges of Englande, of the mayres and shyryffes of the cytie of Lo[n]don, and brefelye of many notable actes done in, and syns the reygne of Kyng Henry the Fourth / 1