Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA300 .T46 1886i Ten scarce books in English literature 1
DA300 .T46 2009 The ends of life : roads to fulfilment in early modern England / 1
DA300 .T46 2009eb The ends of life : roads to fulfilment in early modern England / 1
DA300 .W55 1950 Star of Empire : a study of Britain as a world power, 1485-1945. 1
DA300 .W58 2005 The politics of commonwealth : citizens and freemen in early modern England / 1
DA300 .W58 2005eb The Politics of Commonwealth : Citizens and Freemen in Early Modern England / 1
DA301 .B8 Prisoners of the Tower of London : being an account of some who at divers times lay captive within its walls / 1
DA302 .B7 1968 Set in a silver sea. 1
DA302 .J53 Parliamentary England : the evolution of the cabinet system / 1
DA302 .J53 1903i Parliamentary England the evolution of the cabinet system / 1
DA302 .R4413 1843i The criminal history of the English government from the first massacre of the Irish, to the poisoning of the Chinese / 1
DA302 .W66 Revision exercises in English outline history, 1485-1714 / 1
DA304 .P47 Nuntius a mortuis noc est stvpendvm ivxta ac tremendum colloquium inter manes Henrici VIII & Caroli I, Angliæ regum.
Nuntius a mortuis noc est stvpendvm ivxta ac tremendum colloquium inter manes Henrici VIII & Caroli I, Angliæ regum ..
DA304 .P47 1659 Nvntivs a mortvis, hoc est stvpendvm ivxta ac tremendu colloquiu, distinctis alternisq; vocibus à pluribus auditu, inter manes Henrici VIII. & Caroli I. Angliæ regum, in ecclesia vvindsoriensi in Anglis, vbi sub eodem marmore cotumulati sunt. In qvo tota divini ivdivii series in istis infortunatis insulis à capitevsquead calcem cœlesti quodampenicillo liquidò ob oculos depingitur. 1
DA305 .L36 1984b Unquiet Souls : a social history of the illustrious, irreverent intimate group of British aristocrats known as "the Souls" / 1
DA305 .S2 The great governing families of England / 1
DA306.B3 L37 2007 Letters from Redgrave Hall : the Bacon family, 1340-1744 / 1
DA306.C4 C4 The Cecils of Hatfield House : an English ruling family.
The Cecils of Hatfield House, an English ruling family.
DA306.C4 P375 2002 Patronage, culture and power : the early Cecils / 1
DA306.C4 R67 1975b The later Cecils / 2