Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA345 .A44 2014 | Edward VI : the last boy king / | 1 |
DA345 .A45 2002 | Kingship and politics in the reign of Edward VI / | 1 |
DA345 .A45 2002eb |
Kingship and politics in the reign of Edward VI / Kingship and politics in the reign of Edward VI |
3 |
DA345 .B4 1982 | Rebellion and riot : popular disorder in England during the reign of Edward VI / | 1 |
DA345 .B4 2005 | Rebellion and riot : popular disorder in England during the reign of Edward VI / | 1 |
DA345 -- B4 2005eb | Rebellion and Riot : Popular Disorder in England during the Reign of Edward VI. | 1 |
DA345 .B8 | The government policy of Protector Somerset / | 1 |
DA345 .C4 | The last Tudor king : a study of Edward VI [October 12th, 1537-July 6th, 1553] | 1 |
DA345 .C43 | The hurt of sedition howe greueous it is to a commune welth | 1 |
DA345 .C43 1549a | The hurt of sedition, 1549. | 2 |
DA345 .C47 1552 | Certayne causes gathered together wherin is shewed the decaye of Engla[n]d, only by the great multitude of shepe, to the vtter decay of houshold keping, mayntenau[n]ce of men, dearth of corne, and other notable dyscommodityes approued by syxe olde prouerbes. | 1 |
DA345 .C67 | Revolt of the peasantry, 1549 / | 1 |
DA345 .E39 2005 | England's boy king : the diary of Edward VI, 1547-1553 / | 1 |
DA345 .E5 1549 | [An act of uniformity] | 1 |
DA345 .E53 | [Act for the punishment of unlawful assemblies] | 1 |
DA345 .E53 1551 |
A proclamacion, set furth by the Kynges Maiestie, with the aduise of His Highnes moste honorable counsail, for the reformation of vagabondes, tellers of newes, sowers of sedicious rumours, players, and printers without license & diuers other disordred persons, the xxviii. day of April in the v. yere of His Highnes most prosperous reigne A proclamation set furth by the Kinges Maiesty, with the aduise of his highnes most honorable privy counsail, concerning casters and senders abrode of slaunderous and sedicious billes, the xx. day of May the v. yere of his most prosperous reigne |
2 |
DA345 .H38 1993 | The life and raigne of King Edward the Sixth / | 1 |
DA345 -- H38 1993eb | Life and Raigne of King Edward the Sixth. | 1 |
The true subiect to the rebell, or, The hurt of sedition, how greivous it is to a common-wealth Genethliacon illustrissimi Eäduerdi Principis Cambriae, Ducis Coriniæ, et Comitis Palatini libellus ante aliquot annos inchoatus, nunc uerò absolutus, & editus / Norfolkes furies, or, A view of Ketts campe necessary for the malecontents of our time, for their instruction, or terror; and profitable for euery good subiect, to incourage him vpon the vndoubted hope of the victorie, to stand faithfully to maintayne his prince and countrey, his wife and children, goods, and inheritance : With a table of the maiors and sheriffes of this worshipfull city of Norwich, euer since the first grant by Henry the fourth: together with the bishops of that see, and other accidents here / The funeralles of King Edward the sixt vvherin are declared the causers and causes of his death. A royall elegie Briefly describing the vertuous reigne, and happy (though immature) death of the most mightie and renowmed prince, King Edvvard the sixth, King of England, France and Ireland, &c. Who died in the sixteenth yeere of his age, and in the seuenth yeere of his reigne. / A chronycle with a genealogie declaryng that the Brittons and Welshemen are linealiye dyscended from Brute The life, and raigne of King Edward the Sixt |
7 |
DA345 .J6 | Edward VI: the young King, | 1 |