Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA345.1.D9 L84 1986 | The nine days queen : a portrait of Lady Jane Grey / | 2 |
DA345.1.D9 P55 2004 | Lady Jane Grey : nine days queen / | 1 |
DA345.1.D9 P56 1986 | Lady Jane Grey and the House of Suffolk / | 1 |
DA345.1.D9 T26 2016 | Crown of blood : the deadly inheritence of Lady Jane Grey / | 1 |
DA345.1.N6 B43 1974 | Northumberland : the political career of John Dudley, Earl of Warwick and Duke of Northumberland / | 2 |
DA345.1.N6 L63 1996 | John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, 1504-1553 / | 1 |
DA347 |
Anno primo et secu[n]do Philippi & Mariae actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster the xi day of Nouember in the firste and seco[n]d year of the reigne of our Soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the Grace of God, King and Quene of England, Fraunce Naples, Ierusalem, and Ireland, Defenders of the Faythe, Princes of Spayne and Seicile, Arche-Dukes of Austria, Dukes of Millaine, Burgundye and Brabant, counties of Haspurge, Flaunders, and Tyroll : and there contynued and kept, untyll the dissolution of the same, beynge the xvi. daye of Ianuary then next eusuing [sic], were enacted as foloweth. REIGN OF MARY I. Anno quarto & quinto Philippi & Mariae acts made at a Parliament begun and holden at Westminster the twentieth day of Ianuarie, in the fourth and fifth yere of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lorde & Ladye Philip and Mary, by the Grace of God King and Queene of Englande, Spaine, Fraunce, both the Sciciles, Hierusalem, and Ireland, Defenders of the Fayth, Archdukes of Austria, Dukes of Burgundie, Millaine, and Brabant, counties of Hauspurge, Flaunders, and Tyrol : and there continued and kept, vntyl the seuenth day of Marche then next folowyng, and enacted as foloweth. Anno Mariae Primo actes made in the Parliament begonne and holden at Westminster the seconde daye of Apryll, in the firste yeare of the reygne of oure Most Gratious Soueraygne Ladye, Marye by the Grace of God, Quene of England, Fraunce, and Irelande, Defender of the Fayth, and there continued and kepte to the dissolution of the same, beynge the v. daye of Maye then nexte ensuing as foloweth. Rival ambassadors at the court of Queen Mary / The epitaphe vpon the death of the most excellent and our late vertuous Quene Marie, deceased, An Aue Maria in commendation of our most vertuous queene. Mary I in writing : letters, literature, and representation / Writing Mary I : history, historiography, and fiction / Mary and Philip : the marriage of Tudor England and Habsburg Spain / |
10 |
DA347.A2 M5 | Les dépêches de Giovanni Michiel : ambassadeur de Venise en Angleterre pendant les années de 1554 à 1557 / | 1 |
DA347 .B57 2016 | The birth of a queen : essays on the quincentenary of Mary I / | 1 |
DA347 .B9 1556 | By the Kyng and the Quene, where as Henrye Dudley, Christofer Aston the elder, Christofer Aston the younger, Frauncys Horsey, Edwarde Horsey, Roberte Cornewell, alias Cornewall, Richarde Tremayne, Nycholas Tremayne Richard Ryth, Roger Reinoldes, John Dale, John Calton .. | 1 |
DA347 .B9 1563 | By the Quene the Quenes Maiestie strayghtly co[m]maundeth all maner of her admirals ... to permit & suffer al maner of subiectes of her good brothers the King of Spaine tradyng the seas .. | 1 |
DA347 .B9 1618 | By the Queene, a proclamation of the Queenes Maiesties pardon graunted to certaine of her subiectes vppon the west borders, hauyng offended by Leonard Dacres abusyng of them, in a rebellion lately stirred by him | 1 |
DA347 .C37 | A Catalogue of the names of those holy martyrs who were burned in Queen Maries reign as also the particular places where, with the years and months and several of the days, when they suffered. | 2 |
DA347 .D86 2012 |
Mary I : gender, power, and ceremony in the reign of England's first queen / Mary I gender, power, and ceremony in the reign of England's first queen / |
2 |
DA347 .E39 2011 | Mary I : England's Catholic queen / | 1 |
DA347 .E39 2011eb |
Mary I : England's Catholic queen / Mary I / |
3 |
DA347 .E392 2016 | Mary I : the daughter of time / | 1 |
DA347 .E42 | The copie of a letter sent in to Scotlande of the arivall and landynge, and most noble marryage of ... Philippe, prynce of Spaine to the ... Princes Marye quene of England solemnisated [sic] in the citie of Winchester : and howe he was receyved ... at Windsore, and of his ... entries in ... London : whereunto is added a brefe ouerture or openyng of the legacion of the most reuerend father in God Lord Cardinall Poole ... for the reconcilement of the realme of Englande to the vnitie of the Catholyke churche : with the very copye also of the supplycaciõ exhibited to their highnesses by the three estates assembled in the parlamente, wherin they representing the whole body of the realme ... haue submitted thẽselues to the popes holynesse. | 1 |
DA347 .E53 1553 |
By the Queene where the Queenes most excellent Maiestie hath lately concluded a mariage ... with the most brave and mighty prince, the Prince of Spayne, her highnes consideryng the lightnes and euill disposition of diuerse lewde and sedicious personnes .. By the Quene forasmuch as diuerse light and seditious persons, delyting in continuall alterations and never contented with the present estate, haue of late much presumed, and yet cease not to inuente, spreade, and publishe many false, vntrue, and vayne rumors .. By the Quene the Quene our soueraine ladye, understandynge that a multitude of euyl disposed persones, beying borne out of her highnes dominions in other sundrie nations, fleinge from the obeysaunce of the princes and rulers under whome they be borne ... be resorted and come into Her Maiesties realme .. By the Quene the Quenes highnes well remembrynge what great inconuenience and daungers haue growen to this her hyghnes realme in tyme past thorough the diuersities of opinions, in questions of religion, and hearing also that now of late ... the same contentions be agayne muche renewed thorowe certeyne false and vntrue reportes and rumors .. Marie by the grace of God, Quene of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, defendour of the faith, and in the earth supreme hed [sic] of the Churches of Englãd and Irelande to all our most louing, faithfull, and obedient subiectes greting. An acte for the repeale of certayne actes made in the tyme of Kyng Edwarde the Sixt |
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DA347 .E53 1554 |
Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, Kyng and Queene of England, Fraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and Irelande ... Philippus & Maria Dei gratia, rex & regina, Angliæ, Franciæ, Neapolis, Ierusalem, & Hiberniæ .. By the Quene where as the Quenes Maiestie for sondry great and weightie affayres, concerning her highnes, and the state of Her Maiesties realme, and churche of Englande, hathe ... sommoned Her Maiesties highe courte of Parliament .. |
2 |