Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA350 .E53 1570 | By the Queene. A proclamation of the Queenes Maiesties pardon graunted to certaine of her subiectes vppon the west borders, hauyng offended by Leonard Dacres abusyng of them, in a rebellion lately stirred by him. | 1 |
DA350 .E53 1572 |
The effect of certaine braunches of the statute made in anno xxxiii Hen. viii touching the maintenaunce of artillerie, and the punishment of such as vse vnlawfull games very necessarie to be put in execution. By the Queene a proclamation for thexecution of the lawes made agaynst vnlawful reteynors, &c. |
2 |
DA350 .E53 1573 | By the Queene. A proclamation made for the reuerent vsage of al churches and churchyardes .. | 1 |
DA350 .E53 1575 |
By the Queene. Forasmuche as the Queenes Maiestie is infourmed, that diuers of her Highnesse subiectes, vnder pretence of seruice on the seas, haue some armed ships and vessels, and some other entred into seruice as maryners and souldiers in these troublesome times of civile warres .. By the Queene. Forasmuche as the Queenes Maiestie our soueraigne Lady is credibly enfourmed, that the infection of the plague is at this present in sundry places in about the cities of London and Westminster, and in other townes & places .. |
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DA350 .E53 1576 |
By the Queene. Whereas the Queenes most excellent Maiestie, vpon information heretofore geuen vnto the same, of the great and excessiue pryces that wynes, transported hither out of Fraunce, were growen vnto, much to the impoueryshing of this her realme .. By the Queene. Forasmuche as vpon the lamentable complaynt made vnto the Queenes most excellent Maiestie by sundrye her louing subiectes, the clothiers of diuers partes of the realme, & of a multitude of other people mainteined in their handlabours by them .. By the Queene. Forasmuche as the Queenes Maiestie our soueraigne lady is credibly infourmed, that the infection of the plague is at this present in sundry places in and about the citie of Westminster, whereas by the continuance thereof, through the greater repayre and resort of her louyng subiectes, great peryll and daunger myght not only ensue vnto her most royal person .. By the Queene. Whereas of late yeeres, there hath ben an intermission of the free traffike of marchauntes, betwixt the kyngdomes and countreyes of the Queenes Maiestrie of Englande, and the Kyng of Portugall, by reason of certayne stayes and arrestes made of diuers subiectes on both partes .. |
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DA350 .E53 1577 |
By the Queene. Where in the Parliament holden at Westminster, the seconde day of Apryl, in the. xiii. yeere of the raigne of our soueraigne Lady the Queene, there was for the reliefe of diuers poore decayed townes, and of great multituds of her poore subiectes, who otherwise were likely to perishe, or to become vnprofitable and daungerous to the common weale, among other prouided & established, one good and beneficial statute, entituled, An act for the continuance of making of cappes .. By the Queene. Whereas her Maiestie is giuen to vnderstand, that although she hath payd & disbursed all maner of chardges and expenses apperteyning to her Maiesties houshold .. By the Queene. Whereas the Queenes Maiestie hath by sundry former proclamations notified vnto her louing subiectes of this realme, the great inconuenience and mischiefe that hath growen to the same, by the great excesse of apparel in al states and degrees, .. |
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DA350 .E53 1578 |
By the Queene. An exemplification of her Maiesties letters patent, concerning her Highnesse towne and port of Hasting, in the countie of Sussex. Elizabeth, by the grace of God, Queene of Englande, Fraunce & Ireland, defender of the fayth &c. To all people to whom these our letters patent shall come, greeting. Where of our owne knowledge & certeine science we do vnderstand, that our town and port of Hasting, in our countie of Sussex, .. By the Queene. Where it is ordeined and proiuded, by a statute made and established in the Parliament holden at Westminster, the eyght day of June, in the twentie and eyght yeere of the reigne of the Queenes Maiesties dearely beloued father of famous memory, King Henry the Eyght, that the prices of al kinde of wines .. |
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DA350 .E53 1580 |
The effect of certaine branches of the statute made in anno xxxiii. Henr. viii. touching the maintenance of artyllery and the punishment of such as vse vnlawfull games, very necessary to be put in execution. By the Queene. The Queenes Maiestie, perceiuing the state of the citie of London, (being aunciently termed her chambre) and the suburbes & confines thereof, to increase daily by accesse of people to inhabite in the same, in such ample sort as therby many inconueniences are seene already .. |
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DA350 .E53 1581 |
By the Queene A proclamation for reuocation of sundrie her Maiesties subiectes remayning beyond the seas under colour of studie, and yet liuing contrarie to the lawes of God and of the realme : and also against the reteyning of Iesuites and massing priests, sowers of sedition and other treasonable attempts. By the Queene. A proclamation for the prices of wine. Whereas is ordeined and prouided by a statute made & established in the Parliament holden at Westminster the viii. day of June, in the xxviii. yeere of the reigne of the Queenes Maiesties dearely beloued father of famous memorie King Henrie the eyght, that the prices of all kinde of wines .. By the Queene. Where in the Parliament holden at Westminster, in the thirteenth yeere of the Queenes Maiesties raigne, amongst other things, there was one acte and statute made, intituled An acte against vsurie, which acte was then made to continue for, & during the space of fiue yeeres next after the ende of the said Parliament .. |
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DA350 .E53 1584 | Orders set downe and allowed by the Lordes of her Maiesties priuie counsell, and appoynted to be put in print for her Maiesties seruice: concerning the postes of this realme in generall, presently, or hereafter to be apointed. At Westminster the fourteenth of Ianuary. 1583. | 1 |
DA350 .E53 1586 | The exemplification of the Queenes Maiesties letters pattents directed for the reliefe of Gregory Pormorte, marchant of the towne of Kingstone vpon Hull, to her Maiesties louing subiects within this realme, for one year | 1 |
DA350 .E53 1588 |
A declaration of the Queenes Maiesties will and commaundement, to haue certaine lawes and orders put in execution against the excesse of apparell, notified by her commandement in the Starrechamber the xiij. of Februarie in the xxx. yeere of her reigne A declaration of the Queenes Maiesties will and commaundement, to haue certaine lawes and orders put in execution against the excesse of apparell notified by her commandement in the Starre- chamber the xiij. of Februarie in the xxx. yeere of her reigne. [A declaration of the Queenes Maiesties will against the excesse of apparell. 13 Feb. 1588] |
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DA350 .E53 1589 |
By the Queene, a proclamation concernnig [sic] the souldiers appointed to serue in Her Maiesties seruice beyond the seas, vnder the charge of Sir Iohn Norris and Sir Francis Drake Orders conceiued and set dovvne by the Lords of her Maiesties Priuie Councell, and Highnesse speciall direction, to be put in execution for the restraint of killing and eating flesh, aswell by the Lord maior within the citie of London, and the officers of the liberties and exempt places in and about the same, as by the Lords lieutenants in the seuerall counties of the realme. In the xxxij. yeere of the Queenes Maiesties reigne. |
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DA350 .E53 1590 | Letters from the lords of Her Maiesties most honourable Priuie Counsell for the furnishing and supplying of horses in all townes where the postes are established, for the reliefe of the postes there, and furtherance of Her Maiesties seruice directed to all maiors, shiriffes, iustices of the peace, bailifes, conestables, hedborowes and all other Her Maiesties officers .. | 1 |
DA350 .E53 1591 | By the Queene a proclamation to be published in Cornewall, Deuonshire, Dorcetshire and Hampshire, for restitution of goods lately taken on the seas from the subiects of the king of Spayne by way of reprisall. | 1 |
DA350 .E53 1596 |
By the Queene, a proclamation commanding all persons vpon the borders of England, to keepe peace towards Scotland, vpon the like proclamation by the King of Scots towards England By the Queene. A proclamation commanding all persons vpon the borders of England, to keepe peace towards Scotland, vpon the like proclamation by the King of Scots towards England. Whereas of late time there hath beene great disorders by incursions into our realme of multitude of Scottishmen dwelling vpon the borders of our realme towards Scotland, committing both murthers, taking of prisoners, burning of houses, and taking of goodes and cattell .. |
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DA350 .E53 1600 | By the Queene. Whereas the Earle of Essex, accompanied with the Earles of Rutland and Southampton and diuers other their complices, gentlemen of birth and qualitie, knowing themselues to be discouered in diuers treasonable actions, into which they haue heretofore entred, aswell in our realme of Ireland .. | 1 |
DA350 .E53 1601 | Orders conceiued by the Lords of her Maiesties Priuie Counsel, and by her highnesse special direction, commanded to be put in execution for the restraint of killing, and eating of flesh this next Lent, and to be executed aswell by the Lord Maior within the citie and suburbs of London, and by the officers of the liberties and exempt places in & about the same, as by order to be prescribed by the Lords Lieutenants of al the counties of the realme, to the iustices of peace, Lords of Liberties, and officers of corporate townes. 9. Febr. 44. yeere of her Maiesties reigne. | 1 |
DA350.E53 S63 | A speech made by Queen Elizabeth, (of famous memory) in Parliament anno 1593, and in the 35th year of her reign : concerning the Spanish invasion. | 2 |
DA350.E54 1572 | The copy of the Queenes highnes comission. | 1 |