Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
The case of Sir Robert Atkyns Knight of the Honourable Order of the Bath, upon his appeal against a decree obtain'd by Mrs. Elizabeth Took, (the now wife of Thomas Took, Esq.) and others, plaintiffs in Chancery, about a separate maintenance of 200 l. per ann. clear above all charges settled on Mrs. Took, beside a large jointure. Master Strovvd his speech in Parliament on Tuesday the third of January in reply to the articles of high treason against himselfe, the Lord Kimbolton, Master Pym, Sir Arthur Haselrigg, Master Hambden and Master Hollis exhibited by His Majestie wherein he cleareth himselfe concerning the same, 1642. Gesta Britannorum, or, A brief chronologie of the actions and exploits, battails, sieges, conflicts, and other signal and remarkable passages which have happened in these His Majesties dominions from the year of Christ 1600, untill the present, 1663, being the space of 62 complete years / Examen historicum, or, A discovery and examination of the mistakes, falsities and defects in some modern histories occasioned by the partiality and inadvertencies of their severall authours / A brief narrative and deduction of the several remarkable cases of Sir William Courten, and Sir Paul Pyndar, Knights, and William Courten late of London Esquire, deceased their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, together with their surviving partners and adventurers with them to the East-Indies, China and Japan, and divers other parts of Asia, Europe, Africa and America : faithfully represented to both houses of Parliament. Encouragments for the vvarres of France to excitate and induce all generous minded and heroick noble-men, gallant gentlemen, and couragious souldiers, who vnder the conduct and regiment of the most martiall and magnanimous Lord the Earle of Mortoun are worthilie disposed to serue our King His Most Sacred Maiestie in France / Reflections on the History of passive obedience An answer made by command of Prince Henry to certain propositions of warre and peace delivered to His Highnesse by some of his military servants whereunto is adjoyned The French charity, or, An essay written in French / Hidden workes of darkenes brought to publike light, or, A necessary introdvction to the history of the Archbishop of Canterbvrie's triall discovering to the world the severall secret dangerous plots, practices, proceedings of the Pope and his confederates ... to undermine the Protestant religion ... : manifested by sundry ... papers, found among ... / The prerogative of parlaments in England proued in a dialogue (pro & contra) betweene a councellour of state and a iustice of peace / The Earles of Lindsey and Cumberland's petition to the King at Yorke in behalfe of the Parliament, June 2. 1642. And his Majesties gracious assent thereunto. With his Majesties commission for the confirmation of truce, made between his Majesty and the King of Casteele, the two Kings of East-India, D. Michael de Loronha, Conde de Linhares, Viceroy of Goa, and William Methwold President of the English in East-India. In all the lands, places, castles, ports, and coasts of Affrica, Guyne, Bine, the island of Saint Thome, &c. and beyond Gape bona Speranza in the dominions of the King of Portugall. |
11 |
DA370 .L35 1975 |
Politics, religion, and literature in the seventeenth century. Politics, religion, and literature in the seventeenth century / |
2 |
DA370 .L47 1681 | A word concerning libels and libellers humbly presented to the right honorable Sir John Moor, lord-mayor of London, and the right worshipfull the aldermen, his brethren / | 1 |
DA370 .L5 | [List of money lent to various individuals] | 1 |
DA370 .L5 1691 | [List of transactions between March 28 and April 1, 1691] | 1 |
DA370 .M3 1691 | March 1691/2. Earl[?] of Radnor Constable of ye Castle of Carnarvon during pleasure | 1 |
DA370 .M6 | Amongst all other other poynte[?] of happines and freedome no[thing?] yo[ur] ma[iestes?] subiects ... | 1 |
DA370 .M67 | The most humble petition of Edward R[...] | 1 |
DA370 .O2 | O fatall weeke and desmall [sic] day ... | 1 |
DA370 .O3 |
Of Mr. Dodington whoe has record of the differences[?] betwixt Paper Act of Mr. Harmage[?] Objection to ye bill for Requiters |
2 |
DA370 .P3 | A particular of severall sum[m]es of money due by vertue of clauses in the Act of Parliam[en]t & payable out of the forfeited estates of Ireland (virt) | 1 |
DA370 .P7 | A proclamation set furthe by the kings maiestie prohibiting aswell the bying of or selling gold sylver or coyne at any higher prices then as appoynted as also the melting downe of the said coynes | 1 |
DA370 .P75 1994 | Princes and peoples : France and British Isles, 1620-1714 : an anthology of primary sources / | 1 |
DA370 .P76 | The proposition for the payment of [...] debts contracted by a [...] to obtain an act of Parl[ia]m[ent] ... | 1 |
DA370 .R34 1628 |
The prerogative of parliaments in England proued in a dialogue (pro & contra) betweene a councellour of state and a iustice of peace / The prerogative of parlaments in England proued in a dialogue (pro & contra) betweene a councellour of state and a iustice of peace / |
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DA370 .R37 1681 |
Mvltvm in parvo, aut vox veritatis Mvltvm in parvo, aut vox veritatis wherein the principles, practices, and transactions of the English nation, but more especially and in particular by their representatives assembled in Parliament anno Domini 1640, 1641 : as also, 1681 are most faithfully and impartially examined, collected, and compared together for the present seasonable use, benefit and information of the publick : as also the wonderful and most solemn manner and form of ratifying, confirming and pronouncing of that most dreadful curse and execration against the violators and infringers of Magna Charta in the time of Henry the Third, King of England, &c. ... / |
2 |
DA370 .R4 | Reasons humbly offerd[?] ho[nora]ble ye House of Comons for R[...]ing the [...] money &c. | 1 |
DA370 .R4 1695 | A report upon the Petition of Katherine Verhey widd. of Deirk Verhey late Lieut. in Maj[o]r Podewills Troop in de Rechterens Regim[en]t. of Horse | 1 |
DA370 .S36 1624 | Vox cœli, or, Newes from heaven, of a consultation there held by the high and mighty princes, King Hen. 8., King Edw. 6., Prince Henry, Queene Mary, Queene Elizabeth, and Queene Anne wherein Spaines ambition and treacheries to most kingdomes and free estates of Europe, are vnmask'd and truly represented, but more particularly towards England, and now more especially vnder the pretended match of Prince Charles, with the infanta Dona Maria ; whereunto is annexed two letters written by Queene Mary from heaven, the one to Count Gondomar, the ambassadour of Spaine, the other to all the Romane Catholiques of England / | 1 |
DA370 .S46 1981 | Seventeenth-century England, a changing culture. | 1 |