Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA370 .D68 1627 | Encouragments for the vvarres of France to excitate and induce all generous minded and heroick noble-men, gallant gentlemen, and couragious souldiers, who vnder the conduct and regiment of the most martiall and magnanimous Lord the Earle of Mortoun are worthilie disposed to serue our King His Most Sacred Maiestie in France / by William Douglasse North-Britaine. | 1 |
DA370 .E5 | Instructions agreed upon by the Lords and Commons assmbled [sic] in Parliament for Sir Thomas Barrington, Sir William Masham, Sir Martin Lumley, Sir Henry Mildnay of Wansted, Sir Thomas Cheek, Harbottle Grimston Esquire. : Members of the House of Commons and deputie-lievtenants for the county of Essex and committees to be sent into the same county. : And for Sir William Hicks, Sir Richard Everard, Sir Tho. Honywood, Sir Henry Holdcroft, Sir William Roe, Sir William Martin, Sir Iohn Barrington, Timothy Middleton and Iohn Sayer esquires, the rest of the deputy-lievtenants of the said county for preservation of the peace of the said county. | 1 |
DA370 .E5 1694 | Elnathan Lumme to be deputy receiv[er] in Ireland 2d June 1694 Recd from Mr. Tracy Pannefort. | 1 |
DA370 .E53 1603 | Proclamation des estatz D'angleterre pour la reception du roy d'Escosse รก la couronne. | 1 |
DA370 .E53 1611 | A record of some worthy proceedings in the honourable, wise, and faithfull Howse of Commons in the late Parliament | 1 |
DA370 .E53 1650 | An act for the setting apart a day of publique thanksgiving, to be kept on Friday the twenty sixth of this instant July together with a declaration and narrative, expressing the grounds and reasons thereof. | 2 |
DA370 .E54 1700 | A modest computation of the loss which the under-clerks in Chancery may sustain by the taking away of the Dedimus Bill, and of the advantages they claim by virtue of the recompencing clause in the Act for the amendment of the law, and the better advancement of justice. | 1 |
DA370 .E55 1605 | [A note] of the head-lands of England [as] they [beare] one from another, agreeing with the plot of the description of the countrey, with their seuerall distances, as followeth. | 1 |
DA370 .E58 1964 | Stuart tracts, 1603-1693 / | 1 |
DA370 .E77 | Erra Pater's prophesy, or, Frost faire 1684/3 | 2 |
DA370 .E97 |
A particular deduction of the case of William Eyre Esq. concerning his right to the half barony of Shelelah and Castle of Carnow ... : humbly presented to the King's Most Excellent Majesty .. A particular deduction of the case of William Eyre Esq concerning his right to the half barony of Shelelah and Castle of Carnow ... : humbly presented to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. |
2 |
DA370 .E98 | Notwithstanding the great oppos: to this B. and the severe caracter and judgm[ents] uppon it yet I hope uppon a further debate it will be found necessary to be [?]ed. | 1 |
DA370 .F6 | For the greatest gains in the hear ... | 1 |
DA370 .F67 | The foraign forces in England & Ireland paid with money raisd upon the people of England but not [presented?] to be needed by the English comissary | 1 |
DA370 .H3 | Charges of repayring the castles at Newarke. | 1 |
DA370 .H4 | He[...] by Letters Pattents 28th day of January in the [...] year of his [...] grant ... | 1 |
DA370 .H49 |
Examen historicum, or, A discovery and examination of the mistakes, falsities and defects in some modern histories occasioned by the partiality and inadvertencies of their severall authours / Examen historicum, or, A discovery and examination of the mistakes, falsities and defects in some modern historics Examen historicum, or, A discovery and examination of the mistakes, falsities and defects in some modern historics occasioned by the partiality and inadvertencies of their severall authours / |
3 |
DA370 .H7 1603 | Elizaes losse, and King Iames his vvelcome. | 1 |
DA370 .H8 | The humble petit[i]on of William Catmore living at the signe of the [Che?]ford Armes in Holborn neare great Turnstile | 1 |
DA370 .I5 | Instructions for Lieutenant James Maitland | 1 |