Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA370 .S6 A speech w[hi]ch was intended to have been spoken by Mr Jno Smith a member of the House of Commons on Satturday the 28[?] of Jan (upon occasion of the Tri[...] Bill) but by changing his cloathes, was unfortunately left at home in his other Coat pocket
Southwales. Mem[oran]d[u]m for Mr. Harleigh
DA370 .S7 The speech of a worthy member 1
DA370 .T4 This proposition will be beneficial to ye crowne by making the supplys given this year certain; & speedy ...
That his Grace will please to grant lycenc to the peticoner to enclose, affact[?], plow connect to vyllage and pastuer, & so to hould the same for euer, one parcell of ground within his Ma[jes]tise Haye of Billayhagh withine the Fforest of Sherwod containing by estimac[i]on 42 accres according to the measure of the Fforest ...
DA370 .T56 The parable of the black-bird[s] and the magpie vindicated 2
DA370 .T6 To the Kinges most Excellent Ma[jes]tie. The most humble petition of ...
To the Kings most Excellent Majesty. The humble petition of Christopher Boone Sonne & Legatary named in the Will & Testament of Thomas Boone late of Mountboone in the County of Devon Eng. deceased
To the honorable the Commons of England in Parliament assembled. The humble petition of Henry Ashhurst and Walter Overbury Esquires
To the Kings most Excellent Ma[jes]ty. The humble petition of Saloman F[ou?]bert Esq.
To the Queens most Excellent Majesty. The humble petition of Robert Crosfeild
To his Sacred Ma[jes]tie. The humble petition of his Nobilitie of England
To the Hon[oura]ble the Comision for takeing & stateing the the[?] [sic] [---]que accompts of England for [...] the humble petition of Maboll Ph[enix?] & Susan Cooper
To the Hon[ora]ble Commissioners for taking & stating the Publick Acco[un]ts of ye Kingdom. The humble petition of Thomas Smith Porter
To the King and Queen's most Exc[elle]nt Maj[es]ty. The humble petition of the Members of the Mayor Corporation, and of the principall inhabitants of the Towne of Ludlow
To the Kings most Excellent Majesty. The humble peticon of Francis Colepeper
To the Right Hono[ra]ble the Lords Com[mission]ers for the Custody of the the Great Seale of England for the new Comis[si]on of the [...] for the County of Radnor
To the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the Hon[oura]ble House of Commons of Parliament [...] the Humble Petition of Solomon Fo[ubert?]
To the right Hono[r]able my L[or]d Rooxeby one of his Ma[jes]ties Barrons & [---] of England the humble petition of Edward [---]
DA370 .T6 1693 To the Hono[ura]ble Paul Foley Esq. speaker of the Hono[ura]ble the House of Comons and to the R[igh]t. Hono[ura]ble the Comission[e]rs appointed for taking and stating the Publick Accompts of the Kingdom. The Humble petition of Thomas Herring 1
DA370 .T6 1696 To the hono[ra]ble[?] the Com[...] appointed for the publique Att[..]es by det of Parliame[n]t. The humble petit[i]on of Edward Mason 1
DA370 .T63 To adjust by conference between the two Houses, the number of persons each House shal elect 1
DA370 .T7 A breif [sic] account of the severe usage of Sir John Trevor to his eldest son. 1
DA370 .T78 A True narration of the two wonderful prophets at Rome presaging the end of the world to be in the year 1670 : their wonderful age, diet, and cloathing, and their breaking th[e]ir chains t[o] pieces, being bound to be [se]nt to Rome : as also their strange predictions of what shall come to pass every year, from the year 1661 to the year 1670, at the beginning whereof the end of the world shall be.
A True narration of the two wonderful prophets at Rome presaging the end of the world to be in the year 1670 : their wonderful age, diet, and cloathing, and their breaking th[e]ir chains t[o] pieces, being bound to be [se]nt to Rome : as also their strange predictions of what shall come to pass every year, from the year 1661 to the year 1670, at the beginning whereof the end of the world shall be ..
DA370 .T8 1691 The 25th Aprill 1691. This accompt was brought in this day by Mr. Tobias LoGrosse[?] and sworne to being acc[om]pt[?] of the Dutchey of Lancastr[?] in the South. No. 63 1
DA370 .T86 Two poles [sic] 1
DA370 .U5 1697 [Unidentified manuscript] 1
DA370 .W4 1617 Coppy of Fawkes warrant 1
DA370 .W44 Wheras there ought to be by ye laws & statutes of this realme a frequent calling assembling & holding of Parliam[en]ts once in three years at ye least ... 1
DA370 .W5 The Edinburgh source book for British history, 1603-1707 / 1
DA370 .W52 Gesta Britannorum, or, A brief chronologie of the actions and exploits, battails, sieges, conflicts, and other signal and remarkable passages which have happened in these His Majesties dominions from the year of Christ 1600, untill the present, 1663, being the space of 62 complete years / 2
DA375 Great Britain's miseries being a short history of the manifold difficulties this kingdom has laboured under these forty years last past.
To the Lords and Commons assembled at Westminster at this their session begun on November 12. 1694. Richard Stafford, a scribe instructed in the law of God, doth continue his testimony, with the addition of more words
At the Court at Whitehall February the third, 1674/5 ... His Majesty was this day pleased in Council to command that the following orders and resolutions should be forthwith printed and made publick ... /
At the Court at Whitehall, the 19th of November 1678 ... whereas His Majesty by His late royal proclamation, bearing the date the 30th day of October last, did straitly charge & command all persons, being Popish recusants ... /
The Blazing World A New History of Revolutionary England, 1603-1689.
The Oxford handbook of the English Revolution /
The Minute Book of Bedford Corporation, 1647-1664. Edited by Guy Parsloe.
The Lord's battle : Preaching, print and royalism during the English Revolution /
Three British Revolutions : 1641, 1688, 1776.
DA375 .A34 2014 Civil War / 1
DA375 .A68 1960 Conflict in Stuart England : essays in honour of Wallace Notestein / 1