Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA378.P4 A3 1995 The diary of Anne Clifford, 1616-1619 : a critical edition / 1
DA378.P4 A3 2018 Anne Clifford's autobiographical writing, 1590-1676 / 1
DA378.P4 M35 2015 Anne Clifford's great books of record / 1
DA378.P4 S64 1997 Lady Anne Clifford, Countess of Pembroke, Dorset and Montgomery (1590-1676) / 1
DA378.P7 K5 William Prynne : a study in Puritanism. 1
DA378.P7 K57 1931i William Prynne a study in Puritanism / 1
DA378.P7 L3 Marginal Prynne, 1600-1669. 1
DA378.R3 (INTERNET) A funeral sermon occasioned by the death of Mr. William Rathband an aged and learned servant of Christ, and preached Octob. 13. 1695. at Highgate / 1
DA378.R4 (INTERNET) An elegie upon the death of that famous and faithful minister and martyr, Mr. James Renwick composed immediately after his execution at Edinburgh. February 17th. 1688.
A sermon preached at the funerall of Mr. Iosiah Reynel Esquire, the 13. of August 1614. in East-Ogwell in Deuon
DA378.R4 K3 1962a Conscientious cavalier : Colonel Bullen Reymes, M.P.F.R.S., 1613-1672; the man and his times. 1
DA378.R8 (INTERNET) The last legacy, or, Affectionate and pious exhortation, and admonitions of the late William Lord Russel, to his vertuous lady, and dear children, summed up by him during his confinement, and left them for their advantage after his death, and for the good of all Christian families
The Proceedings against the Lord Russel upon his tryal for high-treason, at the sessions-house in the Old-Baily, on the 13th. of this instant July, for conspiring against the life of the King, to levy war and rebellion, &c as also the tryals of William Hone, the joyner, John Rouse, and William Blake, for conspiring the death of the King, &c.
DA378.S2 (INTERNET) A vindication of Colonell Sandys his honour and loyalty from a declaration pretended to be set forth by him at Worcester October 11, 1642 : vvhich is here also republished with it.
The declaration of Col. Edwyn Sandys in vindication of himself from those calumnious aspersions cast upon him by the Lord Falkland and Secretary Nicholas published and subscribed with his own hand at the randevouze at Worcester, Octob. 11, 1642 : in the presence of Sergeant Major Berry : Thomas Cox, Doctor of Physick : Captain Walter Long : Captain Robert Long : Lyonell Copley, Mustermanster Generall : John Rushworth, Clerk Assistant to the Commons House of Parliament.
A funeral sermon for Mrs. Esther Sampson the late wife of Henry Sampson, Dr. of Physick, who died Nov. 24. 1689 /
DA378.S7 (INTERNET) A funeral sermon preach'd at the internment of Mr. Samuel Stephens for some time employ'd in the work of the ministry, in this city : who departed life the fifth of January, 1693/4 in the twenty eighth year of his age /
The Hartford-shire wonder, or, Strange news from vvare being an exact and true relation of one Jane Stretton the danghter [sic] of Thomas Stretton, of ware in the county of Hartford, who hath been visited in a strange kind of manner by extraordinary and unusual fits, her abstaining from sustenance for the space of 9 months, being haunted by imps or devils in the form of several creatures here described the parties adjudged of all by whom she was thus tormented and the occasion thereof with many other remarkable things taken from her own mouth and confirmed by many credible witnesses.
The fight of faith crowned, or, A sermon preached at the funeral of that eminently holy man Mr. Henry Stubs
DA378.T88 J48 Sir Roger Twysden : 1597-1672 / 1
DA378.U6 (INTERNET) A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. Arthur Vpton Esquire in Deuon 1
DA378.U88 F67 1689 The Fulfilling of prophecies, or, The Prophecies and predictions of the late learned and Reverend James Usher, Ld. Archbishop of Armagh, and Lord Primate of Ireland relating to England, Scotland, and Ireland. 2
DA378.V4 (INTERNET) The compleat scholler, or, A relation of the life, and latter-end especially, of Caleb Vernon who dyed in the Lord on the 29th of the ninth month, 1665. Aged twelve years and six months. Commending to youth the most excellent knowledge of Christ Jesus the Lord. 1
DA378.W3 (INTERNET) Mans last journey to his long home a sermon preached at the funerals of the Right Honourable Robert Earl of Warwick, who died in London, May the 30th and was interr'd at Felstead in Essex, June the 9th 1659 / 1
DA378.W4 (INTERNET) Phyala lachrymarum, or, A few friendly teares, shed over the dead body of Mr Nathaniel Weld Mr of Arts of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge who in the short journey of his life, died betwene the five and sixe and twentieth yeare of his youth, 1633 : Together with sundry choyce meditations of mortalitie.
The late commotion of certaine papists in Herefordshire Occasioned by the death of one Alice Wellington, a recusant, who was buried after the popish maner, in the towne of Allens-Moore, neere Hereford, vpon Tuesday in Whitsun weeke last past. 1605. With other excellent matter thereby occasioned. Truely set forth.
A sermon preached July 2, at the funeral of Mr. John Wells late pastor of Olave-Jury, London
DA378.W45 J6 Saw-pit Wharton : the political career from 1640 to 1691 of Philip, fourth lord Wharton / 1