Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA378.W6 A45 The life and times of Anthony à Wood : abridged from Andrew Clark's edition and with an introduction / 1
DA378.W6 A45 1961 The life and times of Anthony à Wood / 1
DA378.W6 (INTERNET) A declaration from York 1
DA378.W67 .L46 2008 Benjamin Worsley (1618-1677) : trade, interest and the spirit in revolutionary England / 1
DA378.W7 (INTERNET) Sir Thomas Wrothe his sad encomion, vpon his dearest consort, Dame Margaret Wrothe Who died of a fever at Petherton Parke, in the countie of Somerset, about midnight of the 14. day of October, 1635. And was buried in the parish church of St. Stephen, in Coleman Street, London, the 11. of November, next ensuing. 1
DA378.Y4 (INTERNET) A true accompt of the proceedings (and of the grounds of the proceedings) of the president and officers of St. Mary Magdalen College in Oxford, against Dr. Yerburie lately a fellow of the same printed only to save the labour of transcribing many copies, and to prevent the mistakes thereby apt to be incurr'd, and meerly for the satisfaction of private friends, who either want or desire a most impartial information of that affair. 1
DA378.1.D6 A2 1608 A sermon preached at Westminster May 26. 1608 at the funerall solemnities of the Right Honorable Thomas Earle of Dorset, late l. high treasurer of England 1
DA378.1.D6 (INTERNET) A sermon preached at Westminster May 26. 1608 at the funerall solemnities of the Right Honorable Thomas Earle of Dorset, late l. high treasurer of England 1
DA380 England's culture wars Puritan reformation and its enemies in the Interregnum 1649-1660 /
The invention of improvement : information and material progress in seventeenth-century England /
NATION OF CHANGE AND NOVELTY radical politics, religion and literature in seventeenth-century... england.
INTO ANOTHER MOULD change and continuity in english culture 1625-1700.
Literature and political intellection in early Stuart England /
Personal disclosures : an anthology of self-writings from the seventeenth century /
DA380 .A23 1996 Life cycles in England, 1560-1720 : cradle to grave / 1
DA380 .A785 2014 The Ashgate research companion to popular culture in early modern England / 2
DA380 .A8 Life in Stuart England / 1
DA380 .A84 2016  
DA380 .B37 1998 English epicures and stoics : ancient legacies in early Stuart culture / 1
DA380 .B41 1925 Home life under the Stuarts, 1603-1649 / 1
DA380 .B42 Social life under the Stuarts / 1
DA380 .B5 1924 Gossip of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries / 1
DA380 .B74 2002 Personal disclosures : an anthology of self-writings from the seventeenth century / 1
DA380 .B78 2022 Friends, neighbours, sinners : religious difference and English society, 1689-1750 / 2
DA380 .B8 1946 Postman's horn : an anthology of the letters of latter seventeenth century England. 1