Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA380 .S63 2006 Les sociétés au XVIIe siècle : Angleterre, Espagne, France / 1
DA380 .S65 2021 Ephemeral print culture in early modern England : sociability, politics and collecting / 2
DA380 .S76 1989 English travellers abroad, 1604-1667 : their influence in English society and politics / 1
DA380 .S93 2001 Curiosities and texts : the culture of collecting in early modern England / 1
DA380 .S93 2001eb Curiosities and texts : the culture of collecting in early modern England / 2
DA380 .T5 Richer than spices : how a royal bride's dowry introduced cane, lacquer, cottons, tea, and porcelain to England, and so revolutionized taste, manners, craftsmanship, and history in both England and America / 1
DA380.T5 1689 The theatre of complements: or, A compleat new academy. Containing, viz. first, elegant expressions of love and friendship, with variety of courtly and civil complements in the whole art of wooing; fitted to the humours of both sexes. Secondly, letters both moral and amorous; with their several answers. Thirdly, and exact and compleat collection of all the best new songs and catches, used both at the court and theatres: / 1
DA380 .T74 English life three hundred years ago : being the first two chapters of "England under the Stuarts" / 1
DA380 .W38 1974 The intellectual revolution of the seventeenth century / 1
DA380 .W65 The Women's complaint against tobacco, or, An excellent help to multiplication pespicuously [sic] shewing the annoyance that it brings to mankind and the great deprivation of comfort and delight to the female sex, with a special and significant order set forth by the vvomen for suppressing the general use thereof amongst their husbands, they finding that tobacco is the only enemy to pleasure and procreation as they now plainly make it appear in this their declaration.
The Women's complaint against tobacco, or, An excellent help to multiplication pespicuously [sic] shewing the annoyance that it brings to mankind and the great deprivation of comfort and delight to the female sex, with a special and significant order set forth by the vvomen for suppressing the general use thereof amongst their husbands, they finding that tobacco is the only enemy to pleasure and procreation as they now plainly make it appear in this their declaration.
DA380 .W66 2003 Women and culture at the courts of the Stuart queens / 1
DA381 .H35 1999eb A second Jacobean journal 1
DA385 Ad illustrissimum virum Marcum Velserum duumvirum Augustae Vindeliciae Henrici Wottonij epistola.
To the right reuerend and right honourable, the lords spirituall and temporall assembled in the high court of Parliament. An abstract of the greeuances of Iohn Wood, against the right honourable William Earle of Derby: and others.
A speech, made in Parliament by Mr. Glyn on Wednesday the 5 of January 1641 : concerning the breaches of the priviledges thereof, by breaking open the chambers truncks and studies of the six worthy members of Parliament upon their accusation of high treason by His Majesty.
DA385 .A5 no. 8 A cal to all the souldiers of the armie by the free people of England : 1. justifying the proceedings of the five regiments, 2. manifesting the necessity of the whole armies joyning with them ... for removing of all tyranny and oppression, chiefly tythes and excise ..., 3. discovering (without any respect of persons) the chiefe authors, continuers, and increasers of all our miseries .. 1
DA385 .B8 1604 The last will and testament of me John Butler of Dunstans in the East London
In the name of the Father the Sonne and the Holy Ghost blessed bee the Holy Trinity now and for ever amen ...
DA385 .C65 1696 A detection of the court and state of England during the four last reigns, and the Inter-regnum. Consisting of private memoirs, &c. with observations and reflections. And an appendix, discovering the present state of the nation. To which are added many other secrets, never before made publick: as also, a more impartial account of the civil wars in England, than has yet been given. In two volumes. / 1
DA385 .C66 Copy of a petition from the governor and company of the Sommer Islands with annexed papers, presented to the right honorable the Councel of State, July the 19th, 1651 : other copies of several letters from Captain Josias Foster, governor ... with a petition from the inhabitants ... also an occasional letter written to Sir John Danvers ... the dissolution of the Virginia Company, and a large description of Virginia.
Copy of a petition from the governor and company of the Sommer Islands with annexed papers, presented to the right honorable the Councel of State, July the 19th, 1651 : other copies of several letters from Captain Josias Foster, governor ... with a petition from the inhabitants ... also an occasional letter written to Sir John Danvers ... the dissolution of the Virginia Company, and a large description of Virginia ..
DA385 .E43 Given to the elector Prince Charles of the Rhyne from the Lady Eleanor, anno 1633 at her being in Holland or Belgia. 2
DA385 .E5 1618 By the King, a proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure concerning Sir VValter Ravvleigh, and those who aduentured vvith him 1
DA385 .E5 1619 James, by the grace of God, king of England, Scotland, Fran[n]ce and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. .... whereas wee are credibly giuen to understand as well by the humble supplication a petition of our poore distressed subiect Iohn Long of our borough of Lymmington .. 1