Call Number (LC) Title Results
DA385 .H37 That your Ma[jes]tie will be pleased to referr the examynacion of this [...] drawing [?] so newe to [...] to some of your learned chaplins now resyding about London and the resolucion of all doubtfull places to my Lo: Bishop of [Canterburie?] 1
DA385 .H44 1615 The lieutenant of the Tower his speech and repentance, at the time of his death who was executed vpon Tower Hill, on the 20. day of Nouember, 1615 : together with a meditation and vow of his that hee made not long before he dyed. 1
DA385 .H8613 2002 The British Union : a critical edition and translation of David Hume of Godscroft's De Unione Insulae Britannicae / 1
DA385 .H8613 2016 The British Union : a critical edition and translation of David Hume of Godscroft's De Unione Insulae Britannicae / 1
DA385 (INTERNET) A true discourse of the practises of Elizabeth Caldwell, Ma: Ieffrey Bownd, Isabell Hall widdow, and George Fernely, on the parson of Ma: Thomas Caldwell, in the county of Chester, to haue murdered and poysoned him, with diuers others Together with her manner of godly life during her imprisonment, her arrainement and execution ... /
The court and character of King James whereunto is now added The court of King Charles : continued unto the beginning of these unhappy times : with some observations upon him instead of a character /
A proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure concerning Sir VValter Ravvleigh, and those who aduentured vvith him
The vnnaturall father, or, The cruell murther committed by [one] Iohn Rowse of the towne of Ewell, ten m[iles] from London, in the county of Surry, vpon two of his owne children with his prayer and repentance in prison, his arrai[gn]ment and iudgement at the Sessions, and his execution for the said fact at Croydon, on Munday the second of Iuly, 1621.
By the King, a proclamation commanding noblemen, knights, and gentlemen of quality, to repayre to their mansion houses in the country, to attend their seruices, and keepe hospitality, according to the ancient and laudable custome of England
By the King, a proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure concerning the dissoluing of the present conuention of Parliament
The priviledges and practice of parliaments in England Collected out of the commou [sic] lawes of this land. Seene and allowed by the learned in the lawes. Commended to the High Court of Parliament now assembled.
DA385 .N55 1935 Commons debates, 1621 1
DA385 .N6 No jest like a true jest being a compendious record of the merry life and mad exploits of Capt James Hind the great robber of England : together with the close of all at Worcester where he was drawn, hang'd and quartered for high-treason against the common-wealth, Septemb. 24 1652. 2
DA385 .P47 1641 The Petition and protestation of twelve bishops for which they were accused of high treason by the House of Commons and committed by the Lords to the Blacke Rod. 1
DA385 .P76 1622 To the Honourable Committee of Priviledges and Elections. The humble petition of Edward Progers Esq; 1
DA385 .R44 1622 A Relation of a sea-fight betweene the Duke of Guise and the Rochellers, the 27 of October, 1622 together with the submission of the Protestants in France, and the reducing of the town of Montpellier, and other of the chief towns in Languedoc : and lastly, the King's letter to the lords and sheriffs for the proclamation of the peace. 1
DA385 .R8 Historical collections. containing the principal matters which happened from the dissolution of the Parliament on the 10th of March, 4 Car. I. 1628/9 until the summoning of another Parliament, which met at Westminster, April 13, 1640. : With an account of the proceedings of that Parliament; and the transactions and affairs from that time, until the meeting of another Parliament, November the 3d following. : With some remarkable passages therein during the first six months. / 1
DA385 .R96 Historical collections of private passages of state : weighty matters in law, remarkable proceedings ... Beginning the sixteenth year of King James, anno 1618. and ending ... [with the death of King Charles the First, 1648] / 1
DA385 .S38 1645 A satire in verse on King James I and King Charles I 1
DA385 .S556 1652 An historical epistle of the great amitie and good offices betvvixt the popes of Rome, and kings of Great Britanie. Written to King Iames soone after his coming into England. / 1
DA385 .S6 The court and character of K. James. 1
DA385 .S68 An answer to a printed paper entituled Articles exhibited in Parliament against Mr. John Sqvier, viccar of Saint Leonard Shoreditch, August 7, 1641 1
DA385 .S87 1639 In the name of God Amen the 9th of Iuly 1639 I Barbara bycowntiss Strangfford being in good helth ... 1
DA385 .T39 1621 The vnnaturall father, or, The cruell murther committed by [one] Iohn Rowse of the towne of Ewell, ten m[iles] from London, in the county of Surry, vpon two of his owne children with his prayer and repentance in prison, his arrai[gn]ment and iudgement at the Sessions, and his execution for the said fact at Croydon, on Munday the second of Iuly, 1621. 1
DA385 .W44 The court and character of King James whereunto is now added The court of King Charles : continued unto the beginning of these unhappy times : with some observations upon him instead of a character / 2
DA385 .W44 1651 The court and character of King James whereunto is now added The court of King Charles : continued unto the beginning of these unhappy times : with some observations upon him instead of a character / 1