Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA392 .G221 | What gunpowder plot was. / | 1 |
DA392 .H37 | A sermon preached upon the fifth of November, 1678 at St. Clements Danes / | 2 |
DA392.H47 1609 | Pietas pontificia sev conivrationis sv lphvreæ contra Iacobum magnæ Britanniæ regem, henricum principem, omnesq; regni ordines flagitiosissime initæ, & sola virgula diunia soelicissime patesactæ & dissipatæ nonis nouembris 1605. Narratio breuis poetica. Ab authore recognita, & varijs mendis quæ partim ipsius s festinatione & distrahentibus negotijs, partim operarum inscitia & incuria, in primam editionem irrepserant, repurgata. Accessit Venatio Catholica, siue secunda historiæ pars, quæ a comprehenso falso, proditorum res gestas, vsq; ad meritissimum exitum succinct complectiitur. Procaptu lectoris habent sua fata libelli. | 1 |
DA392 .H64 2005 | God's secret agents : Queen Elizabeth's forbidden priests and the hatching of the Gunpowder Plot / | 2 |
Great Britaines, great deliuerance, from the great danger of Popish powder by way of meditation, vpon the late intended treason against the Kings most excellent Maiestie, the Queene, the Prince, and all their royall issue : with the high court of Parliament at Westminster, there to haue been blowne vp by the Popish faction, the fift of Nouember, 1605. If God of his great mercy had not preuented the mischiefe. Edom and Babylon against Jerusalem, or, Meditations on Psal. 137. 7 Occasioned by the most happy deliverance of our church and state (on November 5. 1605.) from the most bloody designe of the papists-gunpowder-treason. / The first step, towards heaven, or, Anna the prophetesse sacred haunt, to the temple of God : preached at Standish Church in the Countie of Lancaster / A vindication of the history of the gunpowder-treason and of the proceedings and matters relating thereunto, from the exceptions which have been made against it, and more especially of late years / A comparison betvveene the dayes of Purim and that of the Powder treason for the better continuance of the memory of it, and the stirring vp of mens affections to a more zealous observation thereof. / The history of the gunpowder-treason collected from approved authors, as well popish as Protestant. Mischeefes mysterie, or, Treasons master-peece, the Powder-plot inuented by hellish malice, preuented by heauenly mercy, truely related / A sermon on the gunpowder treason, with reflections on the late plot The Gunpowder-treason with a discourse of the manner of its discovery, and a perfect relation of the proceedings against those horrid conspirators, wherein is contained their examinations, tryals, and condemnations : likewise King James's speech to both houses of Parliament on that occasion, now reprinted : a preface touching that horrid conspiracy, by the Right Reverend Father in God, Thomas, Lord Bishop of Lincoln : and by the way of appendix, several papers or letters of Sir Everard Digby, chiefly relating to the gunpowder-plot, never before printed. A sermon preached at the Chappel of the Rolls on the fifth of November, 1684 being Gun-Powder-Treason day / A sermon preached before the House of Peers in the Abbey of Westminster, on the 5th of November, 1689, being Gun-Powder Treason-Day, as likewise the day of His Majesties landing in England |
11 |
DA392 .J35 | King James his charge to the judges before they went their circuits relating to priests, Roman-Catholicks, &c : taken our of the library at St. James's. | 2 |
DA392 .L38 2010eb | Guy Fawkes : a Complete History of the Gunpowder Treason. | 1 |
DA392 .N53 1991 | Investigating Gunpowder plot / | 1 |
DA392 .P37 1977 | Gunpowder, treason and plot / | 2 |
DA392 .R48 1606 | A briefe summe of the treason intended against the King and state, when they should haue been assembled in Parliament Nouemb 5. 1605. Fit for to instruct the simple and ignorant heerein, that they be not seduced any longer by papists. With a few other meeters. Which together with this summe of the said treason: may well bee entituled, The smoke of poperye at Enborne in Barkeshire: anno 1604. The sparkes of the same at Allensmore in Herefordshire. Anno 1605. The flame thereof intended at the Parliament house. Nouember. 5. 1605. To all which were added certaine songs and ditties fit for the time to be sung of all that are or will bee found true hearted subiects. / | 1 |
DA392 .R6 1951 | The Gunpowder Plot. | 1 |
DA392 .S29 1624 | Certaine reasons and arguments of policie, why the King of England should hereafter give over all further treatie, and enter into warre with the Spaniard. | 1 |
DA392 .S47 2005 | Remember, remember : a cultural history of Guy Fawkes Day / | 1 |
DA392 .T67 2005 | Gunpowder : the players behind the plot / | 1 |
DA392 .T74 1851i | A treatise of equivocation wherein is largely discussed the question whether a Catholicke or any other person before a magistrate beyng demaunded uppon his oath whether a preiste were in such a place, may (notwthstanding his perfect knowledge to the contrary) wthout periury and securely in conscience answere, no, wth this secreat meaning reserued in his mynde, that he was not there so that any man is bounde to detect it / | 1 |
DA392 .T78 1606 | A True and perfect relation of the whole proceedings against the late most barbarous traitors, Garnet a Iesuite, and his confederats contayning sundry speeches deliuered by the Lords commissioners at their arraignments for the better satisfaction of those that were hearers, as occasion was offered : the Earle of Northamptons speech hauing bene enlarged vpon those grounds which are set downe : and lastly all that passed at Garnets execution. | 1 |
DA392 .W37 | The papists powder treason 1588, Deo trin-vni Britanniae bis ultori in memoriam classis invincibilis subversae submersae : proditionis nesandae detectae disiectae : To God, in memorye of his double deliverance from ye invincible navie and ye unmatcheable powder treason, 1605 / | 2 |
DA392 .W54 | The history of the powder treason with A vindication of the proceedings and matters relating thereunto from the exceptions made against it and more particularly of late years by the author of the Catholic apologie and others : to which is added a parallel betwixt the present Popish Plot. | 2 |
DA392.1 | The real Guy Fawkes / | 1 |
DA392.1.D5 (INTERNET) | Francisci Mildapetti Nauerreni ad Euerardum Digbeium Anglum admonitio de unica P. Rami methodo reiectis Caeteris retinenda | 1 |