Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA392.1.F3 D385 2010 | Pity for the Guy : a biography of Guy Fawkes / | 2 |
DA392.1.G25 C3 | Henry Garnet, 1555-1606 : and the gunpowder plot. | 1 |
DA392.1.G25 C3 1964a | Henry Garnet, 1555-1606, and the Gunpowder Plot. | 1 |
DA394 1604 .C82 | The miraculous and happie union of England and Scotland; by how admirable meanes it is effected; how profitable to both nations, and how free of any inconvenience either past, present, or to be discerned. | 1 |
DA394 1618 | Ad augustissimum magnae Britanniae, GalliƦ, et Hibernie regem dominum suum clementissimum Alexandri Iulij terra marique metus et stupor. | 1 |
DA394 1619 .J23p | The peace-maker: or, Great Brittaines blessing. Fram'd for the continuance of that mighty happinesse wherein this kingdome excels many empires. Shewing the idlenesse of a quarrelling reputation, wherein consists neither manhood nor wisdome. Necessary for all magistrates, officers of peace, masters of families, for the confirmation of youth, and for all His Majesties most true and faithfull subiects. To the general auoiding of all contention and bloud-shedding. | 1 |
DA394 1619 .K5 | A sermon of publicke thanks-giuing for the happy recouery of His Maiesty from his late dangerous sicknesse preached at Pauls-Crosse the 11. of Aprill, 1619 / | 1 |
DA394 1641 .E53 | The Kings Maiesties answer to the petition of the House of Commons in Parliament sent on Saturday last, Jan. 18. 1641. with Mr. Speakers letter sent to tall the corporations in England, and the like also to all the justices of peace in the severall countries of England. Drawne up by order of the House of Commons, for the publishing of the declaration of the House, concerning their five members formerly accused of treason. And to commend the taking of the protestation throughout the kingdome, January 29. 1641. | 1 |
DA394 1648 .E53 | The Kings declaration: to all his subjects, of whatsoever nation, quality, or condition. | 1 |
DA394 .B33 1670 |
The union of the two kingdoms of Scotland and England, or, The elaborate papers of Sir Francis Bacon The union of the two kingdoms of Scotland and England, or, The elaborate papers of Sir Francis Bacon ... |
2 |
The cold yeare. 1614 A deepe snovv : in vvhich men and cattell haue perished, to the generall losse of farmers, grasiers, husbandmen, and all sorts of people in the countrie ; and no lesse hurtfull to citizens. / The union of the two kingdoms of Scotland and England, or, The elaborate papers of Sir Francis Bacon ... |
2 |
DA394 .K56 1619 | A sermon of publicke thanks-giuing for the happy recouery of His Maiesty from his late dangerous sicknesse: | 1 |
DA394 .S25 1606 | An ansvvere to certaine scandalous papers. Scattered abroad vnder colour of a Catholicke admonition. | 1 |
DA395 |
A complaint to the House of Commons, and resolution taken up by the free Protestant subjects of the cities of London and Westminster, and the counties adjacent The debate on the English revolution revisited / COURT AND THE COUNTRY the beginning of the english revolution. Politics without parliaments, 1629-1640 / The second volume of an impartial collection of the great affairs of state, from the beginning of the Scotch rebellion in the year MDCXXXIX : to the murther of King Charles I, wherein the first occasions, and the whole series of the late troubles in England, Scotland, & Ireland, are faithfully represented : taken from authentick records, and methodically digested / A hott cawdle for a lukewarme politician, to heate him to holinesse, from his temporizing newtralities, and frothy formalities Sir Iohn Holland his speech in Parliament declaring the great and manifold grievances of this kingdome, both in church and commonwealth : occasioned by the wicked practices and arbitrary power of the disturbers and subverters of our peace, our liberties, and our lawes. By the King the King our Souereigne Lord Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. doth giue to understand to all his most louing, faithful and obedient subiects, and to euery of them, that, whereas it hath please almighty God, on Sunday, the seuen and twentiety day of this moneth of March .. |
8 |
DA395.A48 1699 | Alter amyntor:, or, The case fairly stated between King Charles I. and Dr. Gauden Mr. Wagstaff and Mr. Toland, touching icon basilike. With short notes | 1 |
DA395 .A5 1642 | Animadversions upon those notes which the late Observator [i.e. Henry Parker] hath published upon the seven doctrines and positions which the King by way [of] recapitulation (he saith) layes open so offensive | 1 |
DA395 .A53 | A perfect declaration of the barbarous and cruell practises committed by Prince Robert, the Cavalliers, and others in His Majesties army, from the time of the Kings going from his Parliament untill this present day ... together with the new oaths and blasphemous speeches they doe daily invent ... : also, a justification of Prince Robert his cruelties ... / | 2 |
DA395 .A75 | The tablet, or, Conceptions of the affairs of England | 2 |
DA395 .A76 1649 | The tablet, or, Moderation of Charles the I. martyr with an alarum to the svbjects of England. | 2 |
DA395 .A76 1661 | The tablet, or, Moderation of Charles the First martyr with an alarum to the subjects of England / | 2 |