Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA395 .A76 1649 | The tablet, or, Moderation of Charles the I. martyr with an alarum to the svbjects of England. | 2 |
DA395 .A76 1661 | The tablet, or, Moderation of Charles the First martyr with an alarum to the subjects of England / | 2 |
DA395 .B27 1993 | Colonel Joseph Bampfield's apology : "written by himself and printed at his desire" 1685 / | 1 |
DA395 .B56 1660 | Carolo II. Magnae Britanniae, &c. Regi, in Angliam reduci applausus, ad imitationem odae Horatianae, quae est quinta libri IV, ad Augustum Caesarem. | 1 |
DA395 .B6 1660 | Scutum regale, the royal buckler, or, Vox legis, a lecture to traytors: who most wickedly murthered Charles the I, and contrary to all law and religion banished Charles the II., 3d monarch of Great Britain, &c. | 1 |
DA395 .B67 1869i | Notes of the treaty carried on at Ripon between King Charles I. and the Covenanters of Scotland, A.D. 1640 | 1 |
DA395 .B74 1643 | Englands selected characters, describing the good and bad worthies of this age. Where the best may see their graces, and the worst discerne their basenesse .. | 1 |
DA395 .B75 1640 | A briefe relation of the Scots hostile entrance into this kingdome of England, over the river of Tvveed. | 1 |
DA395 .C37 1640 |
A Catalogue of the Lords spirituall and temporall of the higher House of Parliament, 1640 A military dialogue betweene Philomusus and Miles lively expressing the horrible effects of war, and the unspeakable benefit of peace / |
2 |
DA395 .C4 | Charles by the grace of God King of England Scotland, Ffrance and Ireland defender of the faith &ct.[?] To our right trusty & right welbeloved cousins and counsellors, Algernon Earle of Northumberland High Admirall of England, Robert Earle of Essey[sic] Chamberlaine of our Household, Phillip, Earle of Pembrook and Mountgomery Henry Earle of Holland, Will[iam] Lord Uiscount of Sey and Seale Master of our Count of Wardes and Liveries ... | 1 |
DA395 .C6 1626 | A speech delivered by Sr. Robert Cotton knt. and barronett before the Lords att the counsell table touchinge their alteration of coynes[?] 2⁰. Septemb[e]r 1626 | 1 |
DA395 .C66 1987 | Politics without parliament, 1629-1640 / | 1 |
DA395 .C739 2015 | Charles I and the people of England / | 1 |
DA395 .C74 2006 | England on edge : crisis and revolution, 1640-1642 / | 1 |
DA395 .C74 2006eb | England on edge : crisis and revolution, 1640-1642 / | 1 |
DA395 .D43 1641 | The declaration and resolution of [blank] whereas many scandalous and dangerous papers have beene lately published in print, tending to seduce and divide the army, and dissolve the present government and power thereof .. | 1 |
DA395 .D6 | Commentaries on the life and reign of Charles the First, king of England / | 1 |
DA395 .E49 | The letter torn in pieces, or, A full confutation of Ludlow's suggestions, that King Charles I. was an enemy to the state | 2 |
DA395 .E5 1625 |
By the King, a proclamation for the adjournement of part of Michaelmas terme By the King, a proclamation for the avoyding of all intercourse betweene His Maiesties Royall Court and the cities of London and Westminster, and places adioyning |
2 |
DA395 .E5 1626 | By the King, a proclamation prohibiting the publishing, dispersing and reading of a declaration or remonstrance, drawen by some committees of the Commons-house of the late dissolued Parliament, and intended to haue beene preferred by them to His Maiestie | 1 |