Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA396.S8 W3 1938 | Strafford / | 1 |
DA396.S8 W43 | Thomas Wentworth, first earl of Strafford, 1593-1641, a revaluation. | 1 |
DA396.S8 W43 1962 | Thomas Wentworth, first Earl of Strafford, 1593-1641 : a revaluation. | 1 |
DA396.S88 T86 1641 | The two last speeches of Thomas Wentworth, late Earle of Strafford and Deputy of Ireland the one in the Tower, the other on the scaffold on Tower-hill, May the 12th 1641. | 3 |
DA396.V4 V4 | The standard bearer : the story of Sir Edmund Verney, Knight-Marshal to King Charles I. | 1 |
DA396.W3 (INTERNET) | The vvhole life and progresse of Henry Walker the ironmonger first, the manner of his conversation : secondly, the severall offences and scandalous pamphlets the said Walker hath writ, and for which he is now a prisoner in New-Gate : thirdly, the forme of the inditement which is laid against him, by the Kings sergeants at law, and his learned counsell : fourthly, his conviction by the iury : fiftly, his recantation and sorrow for the publicke wrong he hath done His Majesty and the whole kingdome : here are also many remarkable passages concerning the offence, and apprehending the said Henry Walker, with a true relation of his severall escapes and rescues from the hands of justice, &c. / | 1 |
DA396.W4 (INTERNET) | London ius honorarium Exprest in sundry triumphs, pagiants, and shewes : at the initiation or entrance of the Right Honourable George Whitmore, into the Maioralty of the famous and farre renouned city of London. All the charge and expence of the laborious proiects, and obiects both by water and land, being the sole vndertaking of the Right Worshipfull, the society of the Habburdashers. | 1 |
DA396.W47 A63 1975b | Charles I's Lord Treasurer, Sir Richard Weston, Earl of Portland (1577-1635) / | 1 |
DA396 .W92 1627 | Illustrissimus dominus, Petrus Wiche, eques auratus, prænobilisque ordinis baronetorum Anglicorum, serenissimo potentissimoq[ue] Carolo primo, Dei gratia magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ regi, fidei propugnatorj, ab interiori camera, eidemque ma[ty] ad potentissimum Principẽ Han Morat regni Ottomanij, totiusque imperij orientalis monarchã legatus, Anno Salutis 1627 | 1 |
DA396.58 P95 | The declaration of John Pym Esquire upon the whole matter of the charge of high treason against Thomas Earle of Strafford, April 12, 1641 with An argument of law concerning the bill of attainder of high treason of the said Earle of Strafford, before a committee of both Houses of Parliament, in Westminster Hall by Mr. St. Iohn His Majesties solicitor Generall, on Thursday, April 29, 1641 / | 2 |
DA397 |
Charles I and the Puritan upheaval : a study of the causes of the great migration / The progresses, processions, and royal entries of King Charles I, 1625-1642 / Manuscript circulation and the invention of politics in early Stuart England / |
3 |
DA397 1641 .E53 | A remonstrance of the state of the kingdom | 1 |
DA397 .A12 2006 | The 1630s : interdisciplinary essays on culture and politics in the Caroline era / | 1 |
DA397 .A4 | Another godly letter, lately written to the same H.H. by his owne sister out of the countrey, about eighty miles from London | 1 |
DA397 .A44 1641 | All to Westminsters news from Elizium, or, A packet of wonders brought over in Charons ferry-boat last spring tyde discovering many notable things worth observation, 1641. | 1 |
DA397 .A77 | Articles of accusation exhibited by the Commons House of Parliament now assembled against St. John Bramston, Knight, Sr. Robert Berkley, Knight justices of His Majesites bench, Sr. Francis Crawley, Knight, one of the justices of the Common-pleas, Sr. Humphrey Davenport, Knight, Sr. Richard Weston, Knight, and Sr. Thomas Trevor, Knight, barons of His Majesties Exchequer. | 2 |
DA397 .B692 1643 | The Battel of Nevvbvrne: Where the Scots armie obtained a notable victorie against the English papists, prelats, and Arminians, the 28 day of August, 1640. / | 1 |
DA397 .B87 1675 | The royal martyr lamented, in a sermon preached at the Savoy, on King Charles the martyr's day, 1674/5 / | 1 |
DA397 .C27 1642 | Certaine choise and remarkable observations | 1 |
DA397 .C3 1643 | A catalogue of such His Majesties works as have been printed at York, and Shrewsbury, by His Majesties printer, since the 26. of March, 1642. unto this present. | 1 |