Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DA397 .E53 |
By the Kings Maiestie were accused with seven articles of high treason these worthy members in the House of Commons in Parliament Munday Ian. 3, 1641 : viz. the Lord Kimbolton, Mr. John Pym Esquire, Denzill Hollis Esquire, John Hambden Esquire, Sir Arthur Haslerigge Kt., William Stroude Esquire. His Maiesties letter to the lord-keeper together with his message to both Houses of Parliament in answer to their petition concerning the militia, Feb. 28, 1641 : declaring the reasons why His Majestie doth not conceive himselfe obliged by any promise formerly made to yeeld to the same. By the King, a proclamation for preuention of abuses of informers, clerkes, and others in their prosecutions vpon the lawes, and statutes of this realme His Maiesties gracious ansvver to the proposition of both Houses of Parliament from Ireland, sent the 24. of February, 1641 with newes from Nottingham, being the copie of a letter sent from a man of good quallity there residing, to a merchant of London, February 18. 1641 : whereunto is added the copie of a letter sent from the Lord Digbie to Colonell Lunsford, and by mistake of the bearer, delivered to one Mr. Langford in Covent Garden, and so by him discovered. His Maiesties message sent to the Parliament April 8. 1642 concerning his resolution to go into Ireland for suppressing the rebels there. His Maiesties letter to the gentry of Yorkeshire, May 16. 1642 also divers principall matters of great note and high conseqvence. By the King a proclamation declaring His Maiesties Royall pleasure touching the English souldiers late imployed at sea in his seruice and now discharged. His Majesties declaration to the ministers, free-holders, farmers, and substantial copy-holders of the county of York assembled by His Majesties speciall summons at Heworth Moore, neer the city of Yorke on Friday the 3. of June 1642 : with a catalogue of the names. His Maiesties declaration to both Houses of Parliament (which he likewise recommends to the consideration of all his loving subjects) : in answer to that presented to him at New-Market, the 9 of March, 1641. The Kings Maiesties most gratious speech to both Houses of Parliament on Thursday the second of Decem. 1641 vvhereunto is added the King and Queenes royall loves returned to the worthy members of the honourable city of London, or, A royall invitation from both Their Majesties, for the lord major and court of aldermen to feast with them at their highnesse palace of Hampton Court : which was performed on Friday the third of December 1641, with the manner of knighting of five of the aldermen there, and the two sheriffes of London. His Majesties message to both Houses of Parliament, 28. April 1642 declaring the reasons of his refusall to passe the bill lately sent unto him for setling of the militia. The Kings Maiesties speeches in this great and happy Parliament Novemb. 3, 1640. His Majesties declaration concerning leavies Charles R. .. The Kings Maiesties message to the House of Commons, Feb. 7. 1641, concerning the speech lately spoken by M. Pym vvith the House of Commons humble answer, in defence thereof read, and by vote upon the question, assented unto, Feb. 8. 1641. His Maiesties declaration concerning leavies Charles R. .. His Maiesties declaration to all his loving svbiects published with the advice of his Privie Councell. His Maiesties manifest, concerning the Palatine cavse and act of Parliament concerning the same / His Maiesties gracious ansvver to the proposition of both Houses of Parliament from Ireland, sent the 24. of February, 1641 with newes from Nottingham, being the copie of a letter sent from a man of good quallity there residing, to a merchant of London, February 18. 1641 : whereunto is added the copie of a letter sent from the Lord Digbie to Colonell Lunsford, and by mistake of the bearer, delivered to one Mr. Langford in Covent Garden, and so by him discovered. His Maiesties letter to the gentry of Yorkeshire, May 16. 1642 also divers principall matters of great note and high conseqvence .. His Maiesties declaration concerning leavies Charles R. His Majesties declaration concerning leavies Charles R. His Maiesties ansvver to the petition of both Houses of Parliament presented at York the 23 of May, 1642 concerning the disbanding of his guard, with the three votes of both Houses of the 20. The Kings Maiesties most gratious speech to both Houses of Parliament on Thursday the second of Decem. 1641 vvhereunto is added the King and Queenes royall loves returned to the worthy members of the honourable city of London, or, A royall invitation from both Their Majesties, for the lord major and court of aldermen to feast with them at their highnesse palace of Hampton Court : which was performed on Friday the third of December 1641, with the manner of knighting of five of the aldermen there, and the two sheriffes of London. The Kings Majesties resolution, and the Parliaments determination, concerning the requests of the French and Spanish embassadors with the names and charge of 47. of the House of Commons, appointed for the Committee, till the Parliament sit againe. His Maiesties speech to the committee the 9th March 1641 when they presented the declaration of both Houses of Parliament at New Market : read in both Houses this 12th March 1641. His Maiesties ansvver to the petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled. Presented to His Maiestie at York, June 17. 1642. By the king. A proclamation to restrain the transporting of passengers and provisions to New England, without licence. |
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DA397 .E53 1616 | Iames by the prouidence of God, bishop of Bath and Wels, to all and singular arch-deacons, officials, parsons ... & al other eccelsiastical officers ... greeting whereas His Maiesty, for the seasoning of all youth in their due alleageance, hath caused a booke to bee compiled and imprinted, containing the sum of the Oath of Alleageance, intituled, God and the King .. | 1 |
DA397 .E53 1625 |
By the King a proclamation for remoouing the receipt of His Maiesties exchequer from Westminster to Richmond. By the King a proclamation for remouing the receipt of His Maiesties exchequer from Westminster to Richmond. By the King a proclamation concerning the adiournement of the Parliament. By the King a proclamation for the adiournement of part of Trinitie terme. By the King a proclamation to declare His Maiesties pleasure, that a former restraint inioyned to the citizens of London, for repairing to faires for a time, is now set at libertie. By the King a proclamation for the calling home of all such His Maiesties subiects as are now imployed either by sea or land, in the seruices of the emperour, the king of Spaine, or the archduches. By the King a proclamation for the adiournament [sic] of part of Michaelmas tearme. By the King a proclamation commanding captaines and commanders of souldiers to attend their charge. By the King a proclamation for the commanding of all souldiers, lately imployed in the fleet, vpon their arriuall, not to depart from their colours. By the King a proclamation for the auoiding of all intercourse betweene His Maiesties royall court, and the cities of London and Westminster, and places adioyning. By the King whereas, out of our owne obseruance in the late reigne of our most deare and royal father, we saw much disorder in and about his houshold .. Charles by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. to our right trusty and welbeloued cousin, William Earle of Northampton .. By the King a proclamation to forbid the subiects of the realme of England to haue any trade or commerce within any the dominions of the King of Spaine or the Archduchesse. By the King, the King, our soueraigne Lord Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, defendour of the faith, &c. doth giue to vnderstand to all his most louing, faithfull and obedient subiects, and to euery of them that, whereas it hath pleased Almightie God, on Sunday, the seauen and twentieth day of this moneth of March, to call vnto his infinite mercy, the most excellent high and mighty prince, King Iames, of most noble and blessed memorie .. By the King trustie and welbeloved, we greet you well : hauing obserued in the presidents and customes of former times, that the kings and queenes of this our realme vpon extraordinary occasions haue vsed either to resort to those contributions .. Magæ Britanniae chronographa imperialia, seu, Trophaea trina ad sempiternam rei et spei memoriam a deo constituta, summe absoluta, admodum familiaria, et naturalia, orbem terrarum nequaquam elvdentia, luce diurna clariora, in quibus literae numerales, initium, monarchiæ Iacobi regis illustrissimi, et Caroli invictissimi regis nostri serenissimi, annumque nuptiarum augustissimarum, viz. Caroli regis illustrissimi et Mariæ Durbonensis, reginæ beatissimæ, magnifice admirantur / By the King. A proclamation for better furnishing the Nauy, and shipping of the realme, with able and skilfull mariners. |
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DA397 .E53 1626 |
By the King a proclamation commanding all inhabitants on the sea-coastes, or any ports or sea-townes, to make their speedy repaire vnto, and continue at the places of their habitations there, during these times of danger. A proclamation for a generall fast throughout this realme of England By the King a proclamation prohibiting the publishing, dispersing and reading of a declaration or remonstrance, drawen by some committees of the Commons-House of the late dissolued Parliament, and intended to haue beene preferred by them to His Maiestie. By the King a proclamation for the restraint of the disorderly repaire of mariners and souldiers, vnto the kings court, or citie of London. By the King a proclamation for a generall and publike thanksgiuing to almighty God, for his great mercy in staying his hand, and asswaging the late fearefull visitation of the plague. By the King. A proclamation for the better making of saltpeter within this kingdome. By the King. A proclamation about the dissoluing of the Parliament. Whereas wee, for the generall good of our kingdome, caused our high Court of Parliament to assemble and meete .. |
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DA397 .E53 1627 |
By the King a proclamation for the transportation of any kinde of corne, graine, or victuals for the supply of the nauie, or armie in the parts of France. By the King a proclamation to preuent the purloyning and stealing of armes, powder, and other munition, and habilliments of warre. By the King a proclamation that all captaines, lieutenants, and other officers shall repayre to their companies, and that all souldiers shall repayre to their colours. By the King a proclamation commanding the repaire of noblemen, knights, and gentlemen of qualitie, vnto their mansion houses in the countrey, there to attend their seruices, and keep hospitalitie. By the King a proclamation to preuent the furnishing of the king of Spaine and his subiects, with prouisions for shipping, or munition for the warres, and with victuals. By the King a proclamation for the explaining of a former proclamation lately published, intituled A Proclamation prohibiting the importation of any goods or merchandize whatsoeuer, in any French shippes or bottomes. By the King a proclamation prohibiting the importation of any goods or merchandize whatsoeuer, in any French shippes or bottomes. By the King Charles by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c., to all to whome these presents shall come, greeting : whereas we are giuen to understand, by the lords and others of our priuie counsell, that there are a great number of the inhabitants of the Isle of Ree .. By the King a proclamation against vniust pretences for colouring of French goods taken by way of reprize. By the King a proclamation for the apprehension of Iohn Holland, and Robert Blow, gentlemen, late seruants to the Earle of Lincolne. |
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DA397 .E53 1628 |
By the King a proclamation declaring the Kings Maiesties royall pleasure touching the inhabitants of Algier, Tunis, Sallie, and Tituan, in the parts of Africa. By the King a proclamation for all souldiers to repaire to their companies. By the King a proclamation prohibiting the buying and selling of any of His Maiesties armes or munition, and to reforme the abuses committed at musters and traynings by borrowing of armes. By the King a proclamation against the vnnecessary waste of gunpowder. By the King a proclamation for the further proroguing of the Parliament. By the King a proclamation forbidding the lodging of any strangers, or His Maiesties owne seruants, in his palaces of White-Hall, and Denmarke-house, in the time of the absence of His Maiestie, and his royall consort the Queene, from those houses. By the King a proclamation for His Maiesties better seruice, either at sea, or land. |
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DA397 .E53 1629 | At Whitehall the eleuenth of March 1628 ... whereas His Maiesties armie (lately discharged at Portsmouth) hath continued since the first raysing thereof by the space of forty two months .. | 2 |
DA397 .E53 1630 |
By the King a proclamation for the ease of the subiects in making their compositions for not receiuing the order of knighthood, according to the law. Whereas Alexander Leighton, a Scottish man borne, who was lately sentenced by the honourable Court of Starre-Chamber, to pay a great fine to His Maiestie, and to vndergoe corporall punishment, for writing, printing, and publishing a very libellous and scandalous booke against the king and his gouernment, hath this 11th day of nouember, escaped An act for the charitable reliefe and ordering of person infected with the plague By the King. A proclamation prohibiting the keeping of Bartholomew Fayre, Sturbridge Fayre, and Our Lady Fayre in Southwarke. |
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DA397 .E53 1631 |
By the King a proclamation for reuoking the commission concerning archery. By the King. A proclamation against such as wilfully and presumptuously contemne His Maiesties Royall authority, vsed in preuention of the barbarous vse of duels; particularly against Peter Apsley, Esquire. |
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DA397 .E53 1633 |
By the King a proclamation for the well ordering of His Maiesties courtand [sic] traine, as well in his present journey intended towards his kingdome of Scotland, and returne from thence, as in all other His Maiesties journeys and progresses hereafter. By the King a proclamation against making collections without license vnder the great seale. |
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DA397 .E53 1635 |
By the King a proclamation to restraine the landing of men, or goods, out of such ships as shall come from the parts of France, or the low-countries now infected with the plague, till they haue warrant from the officers or farmours of His Maiesties customes. By the King a proclamation prohibiting the importation of purles, cutworkes, and bonelaces, made in forraine parts, and for the sealing of such as are made within the realme of England and dominion of Wales. |
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DA397 .E53 1636 |
By the King a proclamation for adiournement of part of Trinitie terme. By the King a proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure touching orders to be obserued for preuention of dispersing the plague. By the King. A proclamation for cleansing the riuer of Thames of shelues and annoyances, and for ballasting of ships with the sand and grauell thereof. |
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DA397 .E53 1637 |
By the King. A proclamation to restraine the making or hauing of keys for any His Maiesties houses, gardens, or parkes, without speciall warrant. By the King. A proclamation for the prizing of wines. Whereas by the statute made in the eight and twentieth yeer of the reigne of king Henry the eight for prizing of wines, it is prouided, that the Lord Chancellour, Lord treasurer, Lord president of the Kings most honourable councell, Lord priuy seal, and the Lords chief justices of either bench .. |
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DA397 .E53 1638 |
By the King. A proclamation that all woollen clothes and stuffes made or mixed with wooll, and brought to London to be sold or transported, be first brought to Blackwell Hall, there to be searched. By the King. A proclamation for the apprehension of Gilbert Carre and Iames Locker. |
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DA397 E53 1638 | By the King. A proclamation for suspending the time of healing the disease called, The kings evill, until Easter next. | 1 |
DA397 .E53 1639 |
The effect of the Kings letters patents concerning the lotte[ry.] That is shall and may be lawfull, to and for Michael Parker and Everard Mainwaring Gent: and either of them, their and either of their executors, administrators and assignes, with the privity and allowance of Sir John Hales of London Knight, and Iohn Angell of Crowhurst, in the county of Surrey esquier .. By the King. A proclamation and declaration to inform our loving subjects of our kingdom of England of the seditious practices of some in Scotland, seeking to overthrow our regall power under false pretences of religion. |
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DA397 .E53 1640 |
By the King a proclamation commanding all the trained bands and others on this side Trent, to be in readinesse with horse and arms, to serve His Maiestie for defense of the kingdom. By the King a proclamation against libellous and seditious pamphlets, and discourses sent from Scotland. By the King a proclamation for freedom of passage out of Ireland into England. By the King a proclamation for the apprehending and due punishing of the late mutiners at Wellington in the county of Somerset. By the King being informed, that many officers of our armie, as well foot and horse, as of our garisons, are absent from their severall charges to our great dis-service .. Effigies regum Anglorum a Wilhelmo Conquestore Essais et obseruations sur les essais du Seigneur de Montaigne A short catechisme, or, A cordiall preseruatiue for little children, against the infection of popery, and atheisme to be taught by parents, in priuate families / An act for the preventing of inconveniences hapning by the long intermission of Parliaments Treves endt The Funerall of the Netherlands peace. |
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DA397 .E53 1641 |
A declaration from both houses of Parliament with the additionall reasons last presented to His Maiesty ... : whereunto is annexed, His Maiesties speech to the committe [sic], the 9 of March, 1641, when they presented the declaration of both houses of Parliament at New-maket [sic] It is this day ordered by the House of Commons now assembled in Parliament, that the preamble, together with the protestation, which the members of this house made the third of May, shall be forthwith printed It is this day ordered by the House of Commons, that the knights, citizens, and burgesses of the severall counties, cities, and boroughs of this kingdom, and the dominion of Wales ... shall forthwith signifie unto the commissioners appointed for the assessing and leavying of all summes of money to be raised by an act of Parliament intituled, An act for the speedie provision of money for disbanding the armies and setling the peace between the two kingdoms of England and Scotland It is this day ordered by the house of Commons now assembled in Parliament, that the preamble, together with the protestation, which the members of this house made the third of May, shall be forthwith printed A copy of the foure reasons to diswade the King from his journey into Scotland for fourteene dayes longer Concerning the prices of vvine, &c. A declaration from both houses of Parliament with the additionall reasons last presented to His Maiesty ... : whereunto is annexed, His Maiesties speech to the committee, the 9 of March, 1641, when they presented the declaration of both houses of Parliament at New-maket [sic] Concerning the prices of vvine, &c An ordinance of Parliament for a day of publike thanksgiving for the peace concluded between England and Scotland. His Majesties message to the House of Commons, February 7. 1641. His Majestie taking notice of a speech, pretending in the title to have been delivered by Mr Pym in a conference, .. |
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DA397.E53 1641 | His Maiesties letter Ianvary the 24th. In answer to the petition of both Houses of Parliament, as it was presented by the Earle of Newport, and the Lord Seymer. Ian. 21. 1641. | 1 |
DA397 .E53 1642 | A declaration from both Houses of Parliament with the additional reasons last presented to His Majesty, Sabbathi 12 Martii, 1642 : whereunto is annexed, His Majesties speech to the committee the 9 of March, 1642, when they presented the declaration of both Houses of Parliament at Newmarket. | 1 |