Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
New propositions propounded at the Kings royall court at Holmby, betwixt the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, and Mr. Marshall and Mr. Caryll concerning the presbyteriall government, the Booke of Common-Prayer, and the directory : also His Majesties severall reasons, concerning episcopacy, and Mr. Marshalls reply for the cleering His Majesties objections : together with divers remarkable passages of the Commissioners of the kingdome of Scotland, propounded to His Majesty for his royall assent to the propositions, and signing the Covenant : with another message from His Majesty at Holmby, to both Houses of Parliament. A speech made by the Honourable Denzel Hollis esquire at that time, when the judges had their charge, concerning Sir Randol Grew. A petition of the major, aldermen, and common-councell of the citie of London, to His Majestie together with His Majesties gracious answer thereunto. The royal martyr, and the dutiful subject in two sermons / London looke backe at that yeare of yeares 1625 and looke forvvard, vpon this yeare 1630 / Mr. Maynards speech before both Houses in Parliament upon Wednesday the xxiiijth of March in reply upon the Earle of Straffords answer to his articles at the barre. The Welchmens ivbilee to the honovr of St. David shewing the manner of that solemn celebration which the Welshmen annually hold in honovr of St. David : describing likewise the trve and rea[sonable] cause why they wear that day a Leek on their hans : with an excellent merry sonnet annexed unto it / Mr. Speakers speech before His Majestie and both Houses of Parliament, after his returne from Scotland, upon passing the Bill for Tunnage and Poundage, on Thursday the 2. of December, relating the present distempers of England and Ireland also, the King's most excellent Majestie's speech to the honourable House of Parliament the same Thursday Deceb. 2, 1641. Certaine choise and remarkable observations A speech made in the House of Commons the 26th day of October, 1646 (upon the reading of the Scotish papers the same day, in reply to the votes of both houses of Parliament of the 24th of Sept. concerning the disposall of the kings person) / A medicine for the times, or, An antidote against faction The second epistle to the truly religious and loyal gentry of the Church of England A coppy of 1. the letter sent by the Queenes Majestie concerning the collection of the recusants mony for the Scottish warre, Apr. 17, 1639 2. the letter sent by Sir Kenelme Digby and Mr. Montague concerning the contribution : 3. the letter sent by those assembled in London, to every shire : 4. the names of the collectors in each county in England and Wales, and : 5. the message sent from the Queenes Majestie to the House of Commons by Master Comptroller the 5 of Febr., 1639. A speech made in the House of Peeres by the Right Honourable the Earl of Monmouth on Thursday the 13 of Ianuary 1641 upon the occasion of the present distractions and of His Majesties removall from White-hall. Mr. Edvvard Hydes speech at a conference betweene both Houses on Tewsday the 6th of July 1641 at the transmission of the severall impeachments against the Lord Chiefe Barron Damport, Mr. Barron Trevor, and Mr. Barron Weston. The speech of Denzill Hollis, Esquire at a conference with the Lords on Tuesday the third of August, 1641 : in justification of the three last printed votes by the House of Commons. Densell Hollis esq. his speech at the delivery of the protestation to the Lords of the Upper House of Parliament 4 May, 1641 wherein is set forth the reasons that moved the House of Commons to make the said protestation : together with a short narration of the severall grievances of the kingdome. Mr. Hollis his speech in Parliament, on Munday the 31. of Januarie 1642 Upon the delivery of a message from the House of Commons, concerning the poore trades-mens petition. A letter from an officer in His Majesties army, to a gentleman in Glocester-shire upon occasion of certain quære's scattered about that countrey. A speech of the Honorable Denzell Hollis (second son to the Right Honorable John Earle of Clare deceased) and brother to the now Earle of Clare, at the delivery of the protestation to the Lords of the upper house of Parliament, 4 May 1641 wherein is set forth the reasons that moved the House of Commons to make the said protestation : o [ie. to] gether with a short narration of the severall grievances of the Kingdome. Mr. Denzell Hollis His speech to the Lords concerning the setling of the Queen of Bohemia and her electorall family in their right and inheritance with restitution for their sufferings July 9, 1641. Ludlow no lyar, or, A detection of Dr. Hollingworth's disingenuity in his Second defence of King Charles I and a further vindication of the Parliament of the 3d of Novemb. 1640 : with exact copies of the Pope's letter to King Charles the first, and of his answer to the Pope : in a letter from General Ludlow, to Dr. Hollingworth : together with a reply to the false and malicious assertions in the Doctor's lewd pamphlet, entituled, His defence of the King's holy and divine book, against the rude and undutiful assaults of the late Dr. Walker of Essex. His Maiesties speech with Mr. Speakers speech to both Houses of Parliament, at the passing of the bill for tonnage and poundage : being an answer to Mr. Speakers speech at the presenting thereof, 22 June, 1641. Great Britains prayers in this dangerous time of contagion together vvith a congratulatory for the entertainment of His Majesty out of Scotland / Master Hollis his speech in Parliament concerning the articles of high treason against himselfe, the Lord Kymbolton, Sir Arthur Haslerigg, Mast. Pym, Master Hampden, Master Strewd, exhibited by His Majesty on Wednesday the fift of Ianuary 1641. The speech of Denzell Holles, Esquire delivered at the Lords Barr, Wednesday, the 15th of Iune vpon the impeachment of the Earles of North-hampton, Devon-shire, Monmouth, and Dover, and of the Lords Rich, Andever, Grey of Ruthen, Coventry and Capell, for their contempt in departing from the Parliament, and not returning upon summons. Mr. Hides argvment before the Lords in the Vpper Hovse of Parliament, Aprill 1641 A coppy of Generall Lesley's letter to Sir Iohn Svckling with Sir Iohn Sucklings answer to his letter. The coppy of a letter written to the Lower Hovse of Parliament touching divers grievances and inconveniences of the state &c |
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DA397 .K44 2020 | The progresses, processions, and royal entries of King Charles I, 1625-1642 / | 1 |
DA397 .L375 1989 | The late King's goods : collections, possessions and patronage of Charles I in the light of the Commonwealth sale inventories / | 1 |
DA397 .L46 | Mr. Speakers speech before His Majestie and both Houses of Parliament, after his returne from Scotland, upon passing the Bill for Tunnage and Poundage, on Thursday the 2. of December, relating the present distempers of England and Ireland also, the King's most excellent Majestie's speech to the honourable House of Parliament the same Thursday Deceb. 2, 1641. | 2 |
DA397 .L46 1641 | His Maiesties speech with Mr. Speakers speech to both Houses of Parliament, at the passing of the bill for tonnage and poundage : being an answer to Mr. Speakers speech at the presenting thereof, 22 June, 1641. | 1 |
DA397 .L47 1635 | Noverint universi per praesentes me [blank] in [blank] teneri & firmiter obligari Roberto Lesly armigero in [blank] libris bonae & legalis monetae Angliae soluendum eidem Roberto Lesly .. | 1 |
DA397 .M35 | A meditation for the thirtieth day of January, the anniversary of the murther and martyrdom of K. Charles the I. The best of kings, of husbands, of fathers, and of men, who was decolated [sic] on that day, Anno 1648, and in the four and twentieth year of His Sacred Majesties most gracious reign. | 1 |
DA397 .M36 1628 | The Manner of the sitting of the Lords spirituall and temporall, as peeres of the realme in the higher house of Parliament, according to their dignities, offices, and degrees, with other officers of their attendance | 1 |
DA397 .M47 1641 | Mercuries message, or The coppy of a letter sent to William Laud late Archbishop of Canterbury, now prisoner in the tower | 2 |
DA397 .M55 2016 | Manuscript circulation and the invention of politics in early Stuart England / | 1 |
DA397 .M56 1641 | Englands ioyalty in ioyfull expressions, for the city of Londons safety being a true and reall relation of many most remarkable passages which have been lately divulged by one D. Peake, Vicar of Tenterden in Kent ... : who did speak dangerous words against the Parliament, the Lord Maior and aldermen of this city of London, and now presented to the consideration of the Honourable House of Commons in Parliament / | 1 |
DA397 .N35 1628 | The Names of the knights, citizens and burgesses of the counties, cities and burrough-townes of England and VVales and the Baronie of the Ports now sitting in Parliament, holden at Westminster the 17 of March 1627, in the third yeare of the raigne of our soueraigne lord King Charles, &c. | 1 |
DA397 .P37 1642 | The Parliaments love and loyalty to the Kings most Excellent Majestie. Wherein is proved, that the Parliaments discontent, and the Kings disaffection towards them, is the effect of evill councellors, that seeke the ruine and destruction of the kingdom. With some additionall reasons, declaring what hath caused this seperation of the Kings Majestie from London and to raise arms at York. With the occasion of these distracted times, some standing for the King, and some for the Parliament, as if they desired civill wars as the malignant party doth. | 1 |
DA397 .P5 | A speech delivered by the honorable William Pierrepont second son to the right honorable the Earle of Kingstone, against Sr. Robert Berkley, Knight, one of the justices of the Kings Bench. At a conference of both Houses in the Painted Chamber, July 6, 1641. | 1 |
DA397 .P7 1645 | A proclamation for the incouragement of sea-men and mariners to returne to their obedience to the Kings Majesty, and to contine in his service. / | 1 |
DA397 .P9 1641 | The heads of a conference, delivered by Mr. Pymm, at a committee of both Houses, Junii 24. 1641. | 1 |
DA397 .P95 |
A message of thankes The first speech of Master Pym, the last Parliament concerning liberty of Parliament, generals concerning religion, generals concerning civill government. |
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DA397 .R45 1917i | The petition of right | 1 |
DA397 .R53 |
Master Rigb'ys [sic] speech in answer to the Lord Finch of that he delivered before the House of Commons in behalf of himself : with a conspiracie discovered, or, the report of a committee to the House of Commons in Parliament of the examination of divers of the conspirators, and others of th late treason, June the 17th, 1641 : 1. Concerning the Tower, 2. Wherein the French are concerned in this conspiracy, 3. Of provoking the army against Parliament by false reports. Master Rigb'ys [sic] speech in answer to the Lord Finch of that he delivered before the House of Commons in behalf of himself : with a conspiracie discovered, or, the report of a committee to the House of Commons in Parliament of the examination of divers of the conspirators, and others of th late treason, June the 17th, 1641 : 1. Concerning the Tower, 2. Wherein the French are concerned in this conspiracy, 3. Of provoking the army against Parliament by false reports. |
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DA397.R53 1641 |
Master Rigb'ys [sic] [s]peech in [answ]er to the Lord Finch of [that] be delivered before the House of Commons in behalf of himself : with a [co]nspiracie discovered, or [R]eport of a committee House of Commons in Parliament, of examination of divers of the conspiratars, and others in the late treason, June the 17th, 1641 .. Maiter [sic] Rigby's speech in answere to the Lord Finch of that be delivered before the House of Commons in behalfe of himselfe. |
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